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作者:admin发布时间:2016-08-07 14:58浏览:

amplification 扩增
amplifier 放大器
Amrinone 氨力农 PP-S1,S3
Amsacrine; its salts 安□啶;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Amyl alcohol, mixed isomers, with the exception of tert-pentanol 戊醇,异构体混合物,叔戊醇除外
Amyl nitrite 亚硝酸异戊酯 PP
amylase 淀粉□
Amylene hydrate 水合戊烯 PP-S1,S3
analeptic 回苏剂
analgesic 止痛剂
Analgin 安乃近
analogue-to-digital converter 模拟-数码变换器
Analytical and Advisory Services Division 分析及谘询事务部
analytical column 分析柱
Analytical Methods Manual (AMM) 分析方法手册
Analytical Reagent [AR] 分析纯
anaphylactic shock 过敏性休克
Anastrozole; its salts 阿那曲唑;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Androgenic, oestrogenic and progestational substances 雄激素;雌激素与孕激素物质 PP-S1,S3
Andrographolide 穿心莲内酯
anemometer 风速计
anesthetic 麻醉剂
aneurysm 动脉瘤
angina pectoris 心绞痛
Anhydrotetracycline 脱水四环素 AT
Anileridine; its salts 阿尼利定;其盐类 PP-S1
Aniline and homologues 苯胺及其同系物
Animals and Plants (Protection of Endangered Species) Ordinance 动植物(濒临绝种生物保护) 条例
anion 阴离子
anionic surfactants 阴离子洗涤剂
Anisic acid 茴香酸
Anisodamine hydrobromide 氢溴酸山茛菪硷
Anistreplase; its salts 茴香□化纤溶□原溶栓□活化剂复合物 PP-S1,S3
anneal 退火(冶金)
annihilation 湮没
annual limit of intake [ALI] 年吸入量限值;年撮入量限值
anode 阳极;正极
anorexia 厌食;无胃口
antacid 抗酸剂
Antazoline 安他唑林 PP-S1,S3
ante-mortem 死前
anthelmintic 抗蠕虫剂
Anthracene □
anthranilic acid 邻氨苯碌甲酸
antibiotic 抗生素;抗菌素
Antibiotics Ordinance 抗生素条例
antibody 抗体
anticholinergic 抗胆□的
anticoagulant 抗凝血剂
anticonvulsant 抗抽搐剂;抗痉挛剂
antidepressant 抗抑制剂;抗镇抑剂
antiemetic 止吐(呕)剂
antihistamine 抗组织胺剂
Antimony [Sb] 锑
Antimony pentachloride 五氯化锑
Antimony trichloride 三氯化锑
Antimony, chlorides of; organic compounds of; antimonates; antimonites 锑盐的氯化物;锑的有机化合物;锑酸盐;亚锑酸盐 PP-S1,S2
antioxidants 抗氧化剂
antipruritic 止痒剂
antipyretic 退热剂
Antipyrine 安替比林
antiserum 抗血清
Antithymocyte Immunoglobulin 抗胸腺细胞免疫球蛋白 PP-S1,S3
antitussive 镇咳剂
anvil 砧子
AOAC Official Method 公职分析化学工作者协会法定方法
apnoea 呼吸暂停
Apomorphine; its salts; its quaternary compounds 阿扑吗啡;其盐类;其四级化合物 PP-S1,S3
Aprindine; its salts 安博律定;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Aramid 芳族聚□胺
Argon [Ar] 氩
Argon Ion Laser 氩离子激光器
Aristolochic Acid 马兜铃酸
Aroclor 亚老哥尔
arrhythmia 心律失常
Arsenic [As] 砷
Arsenic and soluble compounds 砷及其可溶化合物
Arsenical substances, the following: halides of arsenic; organic compounds of arsenic; oxides of arsenic; sulphides of arsenic; arsenates; arsenites; thioarsenates 含砷物贸如下;砷的卤代物;砷的有机化合物;砷的氧化物;砷的硫化物;砷酸盐;亚砷酸盐;硫代砷酸盐 PP-S1,S2
Arsine 胂(砷化氢)
articulated vehicle 拖挂车;连挂车
artificial colouring matter 人造色料
artificial sweetener 人造甜味素
as low as reasonably achievable [ALARA] 可合理达到的尽可能低的水平
Asbestos 石棉
Asbestos - Amosite 铁石棉;棕石棉
Asbestos - Chrysotile 温石棉;白石棉
Asbestos - Crocidolite 青石棉;蓝石棉
Asbestos Containing Materials [ACM] 含石棉物品
Asbestosis 石棉肺
ash content 灰分
ashing 灰化
Asphalt (petroleum) fumes 沥青(石油)烟雾
assay 定量;含量测定
assay pliers 试样钳
Assistant Departmental Secretary 助理部门秘书
Assistant Government Chemist 助理政府化验师
assisted signature 辅助签名(文件)
Association of Official Agricultural Chemists 政府农业化学家协会
Association of Official Analytical Chemists [AOAC] 公职分析化学工作者协会
Astatine [At] □
Astemizole 阿司米唑 PP-S1,S3
Astragaloside IV 黄蓍甲□
Atenolol 阿替洛尔 PP-S1, S3
Atenolol; its salts 阿替洛尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
atheroma 粉瘤
Atmospheric Pressure Chemical Ionization [APCI] 大气压化学电离
Atomic Absorption Spectrometer [AAS] 原子吸收分光光谱仪
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry : Electrothermal 电热原子吸收分光光谱法
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry : Flame 火焰原子吸收分光光谱法
Atomic Absorption Spectrometry : Furnace 石墨原子吸收分光光谱法
atomic number 原子序数
Atorvastatin; its salts 阿伐他汀;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Atovaquone 阿托伐□ PP-S1,S3
Atracurium Besylate 阿曲库铵苯磺酸盐 PP-S1,S3
Atropine 阿托品 PP
Atropine sulphate 硫酸阿托品 PP
Auger electron 俄歇电子
Auranofin 金诺芬 PP-S1,S3
autoclave 消毒器
automated fibre detection 自动纤维检测
Automated Solid-Phase Extraction Clean-up 自动固相萃取净化;自动固相提取净化
automatic sampler 自动取样器;自动进样器
automatic titrator 自动滴定器
automatic weight variation system 自动化重量差异测试仪
autopsy 尸体解剖
autoradiograph 放射自显影片
autoradiography 放射自显影术
averted dose 可避免剂量
awl (ginlet) 手锉钻
Azacyclonol; its salts 阿扎环醇;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Azapropazone 阿扎丙宗 PP-S1,S3
Azaserine 偶氮丝氨酸 AT
Azauridine; its derivatives 氮尿□其衍生物 PP-S1,S3
Azelastine 氮□斯汀 PP
Aziridine; its derivatives 氮丙啶;其衍生物 PP-S1,S3
Azobenzene 偶氮苯
azo-dye 偶氮染料
babies dummy 婴儿假奶咀
Bacitracin 杆菌□ AT
Backscatter Electron Detector 背散射电子检测器
Baclofen 巴氯芬 PP-S1,S3
Baicalin 黄芩□
balance 天秤
Bambuterol; its salts 班布特罗;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
band width 带宽
Barbitone 巴比妥 DD
barbiturate 巴比妥酸盐 PP-S1, S3
Barbituric acid; its salts; its derivatives; their salts; any compound with any substance falling within this item 巴比妥酸;其盐类;其衍生物;它们的盐类;含有任何属此项范围内的物质的化合物 PP-S1,S2,S3
Barium [Ba] 钡
Barium peroxide 过氧化钡
Barium, soluble compound 钡,可溶化合物
base □;基
base metal 贱金属
base pair □基对
baseline 基线;基准线
basic □性
basic dyes □性色料
Basiliximab; its salts 巴利昔单抗;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Becke line 贝克线
Beclomethasone dipropionate 丙酸倍氯米松 PP-S1, S3
Becquerel 贝可
Befunolol; its salts 苯□洛尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Belladonna, alkaloids of 颠茄生物硷 PP
Benactyzine; its salts 贝那替秦;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Benazepril; its salts 贝那普利;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Bendrofluazide □氟□□ PP-S1, S3
Benoxaprofen; its salts 苯恶洛芬;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Benserazide; its salts □丝胼;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Benzaldehyde 苯甲醛
Benzene 苯
Benzene synthesis 苯合成法
Benzethidine; its salts □替啶;其盐类 PP-S1
Benzhexol hydrochloride 盐酸苯海索 PP-S1, S3
Benzhexol; its salts 苯海素;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Benzidine 联苯胺
Benzo[a]pyrene 苯并[a]芘;3,4-苯并芘
Benzo[b]fluoranthene 苯并[b]荧□
Benzo[h]quinoline 7,8-苯并□□
Benzo[k]fluoranthene 苯并[k]荧□
Benzodiazepines 苯并二氮□类
Benzoestrol 苯雌酚 PP-S1,S2,S3
Benzoic acid 苯甲酸
Benzoyl chloride 苯甲□氯
Benzoyl peroxide 过氧化二苯甲□
Benzoylmorphine;its salts 苯甲□吗啡;其盐类 PP-S1
Benzquinamide 苯□胺(苯□□胺) PP-S1,S3
Benztropine and its homologues; their salts 苯扎托品与其同系物;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Benzydamine; its salts □达明;其盐类 PP
Benzyl alcohol □醇
Benzyl benzoate 苯甲酸□酯
Benzyl chloride □基氯(氯化□)
Benzyl hydrazine 苯甲基□ PP-S1,S3
Benzylidene chloride 亚□基二氯
Benzylmorphine (3-benzylmorphine) □吗啡(3-□吗啡) DD
Benzylmorphine; its salts □吗啡;其盐类 PP-S1
Berberine hydrochloride 盐酸小檗□
Berkelium [Bk] □
Beryllium [Be] 铍
best estimate 最佳估计
beta blocker β-阻断剂
beta particle 贝他粒子
Beta-acetylmethadol β-乙□美沙多 DD
Betacetylmethadol β-乙□美沙多 DD
beta-Meprodine; its salts 倍他美罗定;其盐类 PP-S1
Betamethadol β-美沙多 DD
Beta-methadol β-美沙多 DD
Betamethasone 倍他米松 PP-S1, S3
beta-Prodine; its salts 倍他罗定;其盐类 PP-S1
Betaxolol; its salts 倍他洛尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Bethanidine; its salts 倍他尼定;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Bezafibrate 苯扎贝特 PP-S1,S3
Bezitramide 苯□米特 DD
Bezitramide; its salts 苯□米特;其盐类 PP-S1
Bicalutamide; its salts 比卡鲁胺;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Bifonazole, its salts 联苯卡唑;其盐类 PP
bile acids 胆汁酸
Biochemical Oxygen Demand [BOD] 生物化学需氧量;生化需氧量
Biochemical Sciences Section 生化组
biological father 生父
biological tissue 生物组织
biological tissue sample 生物组织样本
Biperiden; its salts 比□立登;其盐类 PP
Biphenyl 联苯
Biphenylacetic acid; its salts; its esters 联苯乙酸;其盐类;其酯类 PP-S1,S3
bis(Chloromethyl)ether 双(氯甲基)醚
Bismuth [Bi] 铋
Bisoprolol; its salts 比索洛尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Bitolterol; its salts 比托特罗;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
bituminous concrete 沥青混凝土;泊油路
blender 混合器
Bleomycin 博来霉素 AT
blood group substance 血型物质
bloodstain 血痕
blot 印迹
blotting, Southern 萨瑟恩印迹技术
blotting, vacuum 抽真空印迹技术
bodice 上身
Bomb Calorimeter 弹式热量器
Boric acid 硼酸
Borneol 冰片;龙脑
Bornyl Acetate 乙酸龙脑酯
Boron [B] 硼
Boron trichloride 三氯化硼
Boron trifluoride 三氟化硼
Bottle teats 奶瓶奶咀
bottom sediment 底质;海底沉积物
Botulinum toxin complexes 肉毒毒素的复合物 PP-S1,S3
bradycardia 心搏徐缓
braking distance 制动距离
braking efficiency 制动效率
branching fraction 分支分数
bremsstrahlung 轫致辐射
Bretylium tosylate 溴□铵托西酸盐 PP-S1,S3
Brimonidine; its salts 溴莫尼定;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
British Pharmacopoeia 英国药典
British Standard [BS] 英国标准
bromate 溴酸盐
bromated vegetable oil 溴化植物油
Bromazepam 溴西泮 DD
Bromine [Br] 溴
Bromoacetic acid 溴醋酸(溴乙酸)
Bromocriptine; its salts 溴隐亭;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Bromodifluoroethane 溴二氟乙烷
Bromodifluoromethane 溴二氟甲烷
Bromodifluoropropane 溴二氟丙烷
Bromodiphenhydramine 溴苯海拉明 PP
Bromofluoroethane 溴氟乙烷
Bromofluoromethane 溴氟甲烷
Bromofluoropropane 溴氟丙烷
Bromohexafluoropropane 溴六氟丙烷
Bromomethane (Methyl bromide) 溴化甲烷(甲基溴)
Bromopentafluoropropane 溴五氟丙烷
Bromotetrafluoroethane 溴四氟乙烷
Bromotetrafluoropropane 溴四氟丙烷
Bromotrifluoroethane 溴三氟乙烷
Bromotrifluoropropane 溴三氟丙烷
Bromvaletone 溴米那 (溴异戊□□) PP-S1,S3
Broncho-Vaxom 凡福舒 PP-S1,S3
Brotizolam 溴□二氮□ DD
Brotizolam 溴□二氮□ PP-S1,S3
Brucine 布鲁生 PP-S2
bubble flowmeter 气泡流速计
Bubbler (gas sampling) 气泡式吸收管
buccal cells 口颊细胞
Buclizine 布克利□ PP
Bucolome 布可隆 PP-S1,S3
Bufexamac 丁苯羟酸 PP-S1,S3
buffer strip 缓冲液纸条
buffer tank 缓冲液槽
Buformin; its salts 丁福明;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Bumadizone, its salts 布马地宗;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Bumetanide; its salts; its derivatives; their salts 布美他尼;其盐类;其衍生物;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Bupranolol; its salts 布拉洛尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Buprenorphine; its salts 丁丙诺啡;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Buserelin; its salts 布舍瑞林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Buspirone; its salts 丁螺环酮;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Busulphan; its salts 白消安;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Butane 丁烷
Butorphanol; its salts 布托啡诺;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Butylated hydroxyanisole [BHA] 丁基羟基甲氧苯
Butylated hydroxytoluene [BHT] 二丁基羟基甲苯
Butylchloral hydrate 水合丁氯醛 PP
Cabergoline; its salts 卡麦角林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Cadmium [Cd] 镉
Cadmium oxide 氧化镉
Caffeine 咖啡因
Calabar bean, alkaloids of 毒扁豆生物硷 PP-S1,S3
Calcipotriol; its salts 钙泊三醇;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Calcium [Ca] 钙
Calcium carbide 碳化钙
Calcium carbonate 碳酸钙
Calcium hypochlorite 次氯酸钙
Calcium sulphate 硫酸钙
calibration 校正
calibration (in analysis) 定标(分析过程中)
calibration (instrument) 校准(仪器)
Californium [Cf] □
caliper 测径器
Calomel 甘汞
calorimeter 量热器
Camazepam 卡马西泮 DD
Camphor, synthetic 樟脑,合成
Candesartan; its salts; its esters; their salts Candesartan; 其盐类;其酯类;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Candicidin 杀念菌素 AT
canister (gas sampling) 金属气体采样罐
Cannabinol and its tetrahydro derivatives; their 3-alkyl homologues 大麻酚及其四氢衍生物;其3-烷基同系物
Cannabinol and its tetrahydro derivatives; their 3-alkyl homologues; any ester or ether of any substance falling within this item 大麻酚及其四氢衍生物;它们的3-烷基同系物;任何属此项范围内的物质的酯类及醚类 PP-S1
Cannabinol and its tetrahydro derivatives; their-3-alkyl homologues 大麻酚及其四氢衍生物 ; 其3-烷基同系物 DD
cannabis 大麻 DD
cannabis resin 大麻树脂 DD
Cannabis; the resin of cannabis; extracts of cannabis; tinctures of cannabis; cannabin tannate 大麻;大麻的树脂;大麻浸膏;大麻酊剂;鞣酸大麻素 PP-S1
Cantharidin 班蟊素 PP
Cantharidin; cantharidates 班蝥素;班蝥酸盐 PP
capillary column 毛细管柱
Capillary Electrophoresis [CE] 毛细管电泳
Capillary Gel Electrophoresis [CGE] 毛细管凝胶电泳
Capillary Zone Electrophoresis [CZE] 毛细管区带电泳
Capremycin 卷曲霉素 AT
Capreomycin 卷曲霉素 AT
Captodiamine; its salts 卡普托胺;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Captopril 卡托普利 PP-S1,S3
Caramiphen; its salts 卡拉美芬;其盐类 PP-S3
Carbachol 卡巴胆硷 PP-S1,S3
Carbamazepine 卡马西泮 PP-S1,S3
carbetapentane 咳必清
Carbidopa; its salts 卡比多巴;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Carbimazole 卡比马唑 PP-S1, S3
Carbomycin 卡波霉素 AT
Carbon [C] 碳
Carbon black 碳黑
Carbon dioxide 二氧化碳
Carbon disulphide 二硫化碳
Carbon monoxide 一氧化碳
Carbon soot 碳烟灰
Carbon tetrachloride 四氯化碳
Carbonyl chloride (Phosgene) 二氯化羰□(光气)
Carboplatin 卡铂 PP-S1,S3
Carboxyhaemoglobin 碳氧血红蛋白
Carbromal 卡溴□ PP-S1,S3
Carbutamide 氨磺丁□ PP-S1,S3
carcinogenic amines 致癌胺
Cardamonin 小豆蔻明
Carisoprodol 卡立普多 PP-S1,S3
carminative 驱风剂
Carmustine 卡氮芥 PP-S1,S3
Carperidine; its salts 卡□利定;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Carprofen; its salts 卡洛芬;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
carrier 载体
carrier ampholyte 载体两性电解质
Carteolol; its salts 卡替洛尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Carvedilol; its salts 卡维地洛;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
catalyst 催化剂
cathartic 泻剂
Cathine 去甲麻黄□ DD
Cathinone 卡西酮 DD
cathode 阴极
cation 阳离子
Caustic potash (Potassium hydroxide) 苛性钾(氢氧化钾)
Caustic soda (Sodium hydroxide) 苛性钠(氢氧化钠)
Cefadroxil 头孢羟氨□ AT
Cefalexin 头孢氨舂□ AT
Cefalothin sodium 头孢□吩钠 AT
Cefazolin 头孢唑□ AT
Cefoperazone 头孢□酮 AT
Cefotaxime sodium 头孢□□钠 AT
Ceiling Exposure Limits [CEL] 最高暴露限值
Celecoxib; its salts Celecoxib;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Celiprolol; its salts 塞利洛尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Cellulose nitrate 硝酸纤维素
Central Database System 中央资料库
centre of gravity 重心
centre of mass 重心
centrifugal force 离心力
centrifuge 离心机
centripetal force 向心力
Cephalosporins 头孢菌素类 AT
Cerenkov radiation 切论科夫辐射
Cerium [Ce] 铈
Cerivastatin; its salts 西立伐他汀;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
certification 认证
certified colour 合法食用染料;检定食用染料
Certified Reference Materials [CRM] 经验证标准品
Cesium [Cs] 铯
Cetirizine 西替利□ PP
chain reaction 连锁反应
charcoal tube 活性炭管
Chelation Ion Chromatography 钳合离子色谱法
Chemical Analyst 化学分析主任
chemical composition 化学成分
Chemical Ionization [CI] 化学电离
Chemical Oxygen Demand [COD] 化学需氧量
chemical properties 化学性质
chemical reaction 化学反应
Chemical Sciences Section 化学组
Chemical Weapons Convention Section 化武公约组
chemical yield 化学产额
chemiluminescence 化学发光
Chemist 化验师
Chenodeoxycholic Acid 鹅去氧胆酸
Chief Chemist 总化验师
chiller 致冷器
China National Environmental Monitoring Centre 中国环境监测总站
Chinese Medicinal Materials [CMM] 中药材
Chinese Medicines Section 中药组
chiral column 手性柱
Chlofenamic acid; its salts 氯灭酸;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Chloral; its addition and its condensation products; any compound with any substance falling within this item 氯醛;其添加制品及其缩合制品;含有任何属此项范围内的物质的化合物 PP-S1,S3
Chlorambucil 苯丁酸氮芥 PP-S1, S3
Chloramphenicol 氯霉素 AT
Chloramphenicol palmitate 无味氯霉素 AT
Chlorcyclizine 氯环□ PP
Chlordiazepoxide 氯氮□ DD
Chlordiazepoxide; its salts 氯氮□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Chlorinated pesticides 有机氯农药
Chlorine [Cl] 氯
Chlormethiazole; its salts 氯美□唑;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Chlormezanone 氯美扎酮 PP-S1,S3
Chloroacetic acid 氯醋酸
Chloroacetyl chloride 氯乙醯氯
Chlorobenzene 氯苯
Chlorodifluoroethane 氯二氟乙烷
Chlorodifluoromethane 氯二氟甲烷
Chlorodifluoropropane 氯二氟丙烷
Chlorodiphenyl (42% chlorine) 氯联苯(42% 氯)
Chlorofluoroethane 氯氟乙烷
Chlorofluoromethane 氯氟甲烷
Chlorofluoropropane 氯氟丙烷
Chloroform 氯仿 PP-S1,S2
Chlorogenic Acid 氯原酸
Chlorohexafluoropropane 氯六氟丙烷
Chloromethane (Methyl chloride) 氯甲烷(甲基氯)
Chloropentafluoropropane 氯五氟丙烷
Chlorophyll - a 叶绿素?
Chloroquine; its salts; its derivatives; their salts 氯□;其盐类;其衍生物;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Chlorotetrafluoroethane 氯四氟乙烷
Chlorotetrafluoropropane 氯四氟丙烷
Chlorothiazide and other derivatives of benzo-1,2,4-thiadiazine-7-sulphonamide-1,1-dioxide, whether hydrogenated or not; their salts 氯□□及1,1-二氧化苯并-1,2,4-□二□-7-磺胺的其他衍生物,不论其经氢化与否;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Chlorotrifluoroethane 氯三氟乙烷
Chlorotrifluoropropane 氯三氟丙烷
Chlorpheniramine maleate 扑尔敏
Chlorphenoxamine; its salts 氯苯沙明;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Chlorphentermine; its salts 对氯苯丁胺;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Chlorpropamide; its salts 氯磺丙□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Chlorprothixene and other derivatives of 9-methylenethiaxanthen; their salts 氯普□吨与9-甲基硫□的其他衍生物;它们的盐类PP-S1,S3
Chlortetracycline 金霉素 AT
Chlorthalidone and other derivatives of ortho-chlorobenzenesulphonamide 氯□酮及邻氯苯磺胺的其他衍生物 PP-S1,S3
Chlorzoxazone 氯唑沙宗 PP-S1,S3
Cholinesterase 胆□酯□
chromatography 层析法
Chromium [Cr] 铬
Chromium trioxide 三氧化铬
Chromomycin 色霉素 AT
chromosome 染色体
Chrysene □
Chrysophenol 大黄酚
Chrysotile 温石棉;白石棉
Chuanxiongzine hydrochloride 盐酸川芎□
Chymopapain 糜木瓜□ PP-S1,S3
Cicletanine; its salts 西氯他宁;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Cidofovir; its salts Cidofovir;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Cigarette Testing Machine 卷烟测试仪
Cilazapril; its salts 西拉普利;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Cimetidine 西咪替丁
Cineole 桉油精
Cinepazide; its salts 桂□齐特;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Cinnamic Acid 肉桂酸
Cinobufagin 华蟾酥毒基
Ciprofibrate; its salts 环丙贝特;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Ciprofloxacin; its salts; its esters 环丙沙星;其盐类;其酯类 PP-S1,S3
circulator 循环器
cirrhosis 肝硬化
Cisapride 西沙必利 PP-S1,S3
Cisatracurium besylate 顺式苯磺酸阿曲库胺 PP-S1,S3
Cisplatin 顺铂 PP-S1,S3
Citalopram; its salts 西□普兰;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Cladribine 克拉屈滨 PP-S1,S3
class characteristic 一般特征(文件)
clathrates 笼形包合物
Clavulanic Acid 克拉维酸 AT
clean room 超净室
cleanup 净化
clearance 清除
Clenbuterol hydrochloride 盐酸克仑特罗
client's complaints 委托人申诉
Clindamycin 克林霉素 AT
Clioquinol 氯碘羟□ PP-S1,S2,S3
Clobazam 氯巴占 DD
Clodronic acid; its salts; its esters 氯屈膦酸;其盐类;其酯类 PP-S1,S3
Clofibrate 氯贝特 PP-S1,S3
Clomiphene citrate 枸橼酸氯米芬 PP-S1, S3
Clomiphene; its salts 氯米芬;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Clomipramine; its salts; its derivatives; their salts 氯米帕明;其盐类;其衍生物;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Clonazepam 氯硝西泮 DD
clone 克隆
Clonidine hydrochloride 盐酸可乐定 PP-S1, S3
Clonidine: its salts 可乐定;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Clonitazene 氯尼他秦 DD
Clonitazene; its salts 氯尼他秦;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Clopidogrel; its salts 氯□多;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Clorazepate 安定羧酸 DD
Clorexolone 氯索隆 PP-S1,S3
Cloridarol 氯达香豆素 PP-S1,S3
Clorprenaline; its salts 氯丙那林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Clothiapine 氯□平 PP-S1,S3
Clotiazepam 氯□西泮 DD
Clotrimazole 克霉唑 PP
Clotrimazole; its salts 克霉唑;其盐类 PP
Cloxacillin sodium 邻氯青霉素钠 AT
Cloxazolam 氯恶唑仑 DD
Coal tar pitch volatiles, as Cyclohexane solubles 煤焦油沥青挥发物,以可溶于环己烷量算
Cobalt [Co] 钴
Coca, alkaloids of 古柯生物硷 PP-S1
Cocaine 可卡因 DD, PP-S1
Code of Federal Regulations 美国联邦法规
Codeine 可待因 DD
Codeine; its esters and ethers 可待因;其酯类及醚类 PP-S1
Codex Alimentarius Commission 联合食物标准计划食品法典委员会
co-dominant gene 等显性基因
Codoxime 可多克辛 DD
coefficient of friction 磨擦系数
Coinage Ordinance 硬币条例
Colaspase 左旋天冬□胺□ PP-S1,S3
Colchicum, alkaloids of 秋水仙生物硷 PP-S1,S3
Cold Vapour Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy 冷原子吸收法
Colfosceril; its salts 棕榈酸可夫色尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Colistin 多粘菌素 E AT
collaborative trials 合作尝试
Collagen, purified 精制胶原 PP-S1,S3
collective dose 集体剂量
collision 撞击
Collision Induced Decomposition [CID] 碰撞诱导分解
colorimeter 色度计
colour sensitivity of films 菲林感光度
Colouring matter in Food Regulations 食物染色料规例
colouring substances 染料
column 柱
Column Chromatography 柱色层法
column head pressure 柱头压
Combined Paternity Index [CPI] 总和父权指数
Combustion-Infrared Method 燃烧氧化-红外吸收法
committed dose 约定剂量
common authorship 同一人书写
common in nature 共同特征;共同性质
common ingredient 共同成份
composite sample 综合样本
compound 化合物
compressor 压缩机
Compton effect 康普顿效应
concentrated acids 浓酸
concentration 浓度
concentration factor 浓集因数,富级比
concentration technique 富集法
Conductivity Meter 电导率计
confidence interval 置信区间
confidence limit 置信限
conformity 合格(符合)
Coniine 毒芹硷 PP-S1,S3
conservation of energy 能量不变原理
conservation of momentum 动量不变原理
consistometer 浓度测试器
Consumer Goods Safety Ordinance 消费品安全条例
contact damage 接触损坏
contaminant 污染物
contamination 污染
content 含量
contingency plan 应变计划
continuum 连续谱
contract review 合同评审
Contrast media, the following ; their salts; any compound with any substance falling within this item; when contained in preparations for parenteral use - 造影剂如下,它们的盐类;含有任何属此项范围内的物质的化合物;包含在供注射用的制剂时 -- PP
control 对照物(实验中)
control chart 质量评估图
control level 控制水平
Control of Chemicals Ordinance 化学品管制条例
control sample 对照试样
Controlled document 受控文件
Controlled Drugs Section 受管制药物组
conventional serology 常规血清学
Coomassie blue staining 考玛斯亮蓝染色
Copper [Cu] 铜
copybook form 字帖形体
cornet 金圈
coronary thrombosis 冠状动脉血栓形成
corrective actions 纠正措施
correlations 相互关系
corrosive fluid 腐蚀性的流体
Corticorelin; its salts 可的瑞林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Corticotrophins 促皮质素类 (促肾上腺皮质激素) PP-S1,S3
Corynebacterium parvum 短小棒状杆菌菌苗 PP-S1,S3
Cotarnine 可他宁 PP-S1,S3
cotton dust, raw 原棉尘
cotton swab 药棉
Coulomb interaction 库仑相互作用
counter immunoelectrophoresis 对流免疫电泳
countermeasure 相应措施;干预措施
counting 计数
couple 力偶(物理);电偶
crank 曲柄轮
crease 褶线
Creosote obtained from wood 由树木所得之木馏油 PP-S2
Cresol, all isomers 甲酚,所有异构体
crime scene 罪案现埸
Crimes Ordinance 刑事罪行条例
Criminalistics and Quality Management Group 刑事科学及品质管理科
Cristobalite 方英石
critical 临界的
critical velocity 临界速度
Crocein Scarlet 7B 藏猩红 7B
Crocidolite 青石棉;蓝石棉
cross mark (his mark) 交叉痕迹
cross section 截面
cross-over electrophoresis 交叉电泳
Croton,oil of 巴豆油 PP
crowbar 铁棍;铁撬
crown ether 冠醚
cryoscope 冰点测定器
crystal 晶体
crystalline solid 结晶体
Cumene 枯烯
Cumene hydroperoxide 过氧化氢枯烯
cupel 烤钵;灰皿
cupellate 灰吹
cupellation method 烤钵试金法
Curare, alkaloids of; curare bases 箭毒生物硷;箭毒基质 PP-S1,S3
Curculigoside 仙茅□
Curium [Cm] 锔
cursive style 草书
cyanide 氰化物
cyanosis 发绀;青紫
Cyclamate 环氨酸盐
Cyclarbamate 环拉氨酯 PP-S1,S3
Cyclizine 赛克利□ PP
Cyclobenzaprine; its salts 环苯扎林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Cyclofenil 环芬尼(双醋环烷) PP-S1,S3
Cyclohexane 环己烷
Cyclohexanol 环己醇
Cyclohexanone 环己酮
Cyclohexanone hydroperoxide 过氧化氢环己酮
Cyclohexanone peroxide 过氧化环己酮
Cycloserine 环丝氨酸 AT
Cycrimine; its salts 赛克立明;其盐类 PP
Cyfluthrin 百树菊脂
Cyhalothrin 三氟氯氰菊脂;功夫
Cypermethrin 氯青菊脂
Cytarabine; its salts 阿糖胞□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Dacarbazine 达卡巴□(氮烯唑胺) PP-S1,S3
Dalteparin; its salts 达肝素;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Danazol 达那唑 PP-S1, S3
Dangerous Drugs Ordinance 危险药物条例
Dangerous Goods Ordinance 危险品条例
Dapsone 氨苯□ PP-S1,S3
data station 数据站
daughter nucleus 子核
Daunorubicin 柔红霉素 AT
Daya Bay Contingency Plan [DBCP] 大亚湾应变计划
DDE 滴滴依
DDT 滴滴涕
Deanol acetamidobenzoate 醋氨苯甲酸二甲氨乙醇 PP-S1,S3
debris 瓦砾堆;碎石堆;有机物残渣
Debrisoquine;its salts 异□胍;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
decay 衰变
decay constant 衰变常数
decay correction 衰变修正
deceleration 减速;减速度
decipherment 鉴定
degas 脱气
degradation 降解;分解
degradation products 降解物
Dehydroemetine; its salts 去氢依米丁;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
de-ionised water 去离子水
delicate retouching 细致的修描
Delorazepam 地洛西泮 DD
Deltamethrin 敌杀死
Demecarium bromide 地美溴铵 PP-S1,S3
denature 变性
density 密度
Deoxycholic Acid 去氧胆酸
Deoxyribonucleic acid [DNA] 脱氧核糖核酸
Deoxyschizandrin 五味子甲素
Departmental Secretary 部门秘书
deposition (atmospheric) 沉积物(大气)
deposition (marine) 沉积物(海洋)
depressant 抑制药;镇抑剂
Derivatives of stilbene, dibenzyl or naphthalene with oestrogenic activity; their esters 具有□雌激素作用的,二□或□的衍生物;它们的酯类 PP-S1,S2,S3
derived intervention level [DIL] 导出干预水平
design control 设计控制
Desipramine; its salts 地昔帕明;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Deslanoside 去乙□毛花□丙
Desomorphine 地索吗啡 DD
Desomorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 地索吗啡;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
destaining 脱色
Detection and Assay of Benzodiazipines and Barbiturates in Biological Specimens 生物标本的苯并二氮□及巴比妥类药物的检测及定量
detection limit 检测限;检出限
deterministic effect 确定性效应
dewar 杜瓦瓶
Dexamethasone sodium phosphate 地塞米松磷酸钠 PP-S1, S3
Dextromoramide 右旋吗拉胺 DD
Dextropropoxyphene 右旋丙氧吩 DD
diabetes mellitus 糖尿病
Diacetylnalorphine; its salts 二乙□纳洛啡;其盐类 PP-S1
Diampromide(N-[2-(N-methylphenethylamine)propyl]propionanilide) 地恩丙胺 (双胺丙□胺) DD
Diampromide; its salts 地恩丙胺;其盐类 PP-S1
Diatomaceous earth 硅藻土
diatomic 双原子的;两价的;硅藻的
Diatrizoic acid 泛影酸 PP-S1,S3
Diazepam 安定 DD
Diazepam and other compounds containing the chemical structure of dihydro-1,4-benzodiazepine substituted to any degree; their salts 安定及双氢-1,4-苯二氮□的化学结构在任何程度上被取代的其他化合物;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Diazinon 二□农
Diazoxide 二氮□ PP-S1,S3
Dibenzoyl peroxide (Benzoyl peroxide) 过氧化二苯基乙二酮(过氧化二苯甲□)
Dibromodifluoroethane 二溴二氟乙烷
Dibromodifluoropropane 二溴二氟丙烷
Dibromofluoroethane 二溴氟乙烷
Dibromofluoromethane 二溴氟甲烷
Dibromofluoropropane 二溴氟丙烷
Dibromopentafluoropropane 二溴五氟丙烷
Dibromotetrafluoropropane 二溴四氟丙烷
Dibromotrifluoroethane 二溴三氟乙烷
Dibromotrifluoropropane 二溴三氟丙烷
Dichloro-1,3,5-triazinetrione (Dichloroisocyanuric acid) 二氯-1,3,5-三□三酮(二氯异氰尿酸)
Dichloro-1,3,5-triazinetrione potassium salt of (Potassium salt of Dichloroisocyanuric acid) 二氯-1,3,5-三□三酮之钾盐(二氯异氰尿酸之钾盐)
Dichlorodifluoroethane 二氯二氟乙烷
Dichlorodifluoromethane 二氯二氟甲烷
Dichlorodifluoropropane 二氯二氟丙烷
Dichlorodiphenyl-trichlorethane [DDT] 二氯联苯-三氯乙烷(滴滴涕)
Dichlorofluoroethane 二氯氟乙烷
Dichlorofluoromethane 二氯氟甲烷
Dichlorofluoropropane 二氯氟丙烷
Dichloroisocyanuric acid 二氯异氰尿酸
Dichloromethane (Methyl chloride) 二氯甲烷(亚甲基二氯)
Dichloropentafluoropropane 二氯五氟丙烷
Dichlorotetrafluoropropane 二氯四氟丙烷
Dichlorotrifluoroethane 二氯三氟乙烷
Dichlorotrifluoropropane 二氯三氟丙烷
Diclofenac; its salts 双氯芬酸;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Dicyandiamide 双氰胺
Didanosine; its salts 地丹诺辛;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Dieldrin 狄氏剂;氧桥氯甲桥□
Diethyl ether (Ethyl ether) 二乙醚(乙醚)
Diethyl ketone 二乙酮
Diethyl para-nitrophenyl phosphate 二乙基对硝基苯磷酸盐 PP
Diethylamine 二乙胺
Diethylaminoethylephedrine; its salts 二乙氨乙基麻黄硷;其盐类 PP
Diethylene triamine 二乙撑三胺
Diethylstilbestrol 己烯雌酚
Diethylthiambutene 二乙□丁
Difenoxin 氰苯□酸 DD
Difenoxin; its salts 地芬诺辛;其盐类 PP
Diflunisal 二氟尼柳 PP
digestion 煮解;消解
digital camera 数码摄影机
Digitalis, glycosides of; other active principles of digitalis 洋地黄之□类;洋地黄之其他有效成份 PP-S1,S3
Digitoxin 洋地黄毒□ PP-S1, S3
Digoxin 地高辛 PP-S1, S3
Dihydrallazine; its salts 双□屈□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Dihydrocodeine 二氢可待因 DD
Dihydrocodeine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 双氢可待因;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Dihydrocodeinone enol acetate; its salts 二氢可待因酮烯醇乙酸酯;其盐类 PP-S1
Dihydrocodeinone O-carboxymethyloxime; its salts; its esters; their salts 二氢可待因酮邻羧甲基□;其盐类;其酯类;它们的盐类PP-S1
Dihydrocodeinone; its salts 二氢可待因酮;其盐类 PP-S1
Dihydroergotamine; its salts, simple or complex 双氢麦角胺;其简单或复杂盐类 PP-S1,S3
dihydroetorphine 二氢埃托啡 DD
Dihydromorphine 二氢吗啡 DD
Dihydromorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 双氢吗啡;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Dilauroyl peroxide 过氧化二月桂□
Diltiazem; its salts 地尔硫□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Dimenhydrinate 茶苯海明 PP
Dimenoxadol 地美沙朵 DD
Dimenoxadole; its salts 地美沙朵;其盐类 PP-S1
Dimepheptanol 地美庚醇 DD
Dimepheptanol; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 地美庚醇;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Dimethothiazine 二甲替□ PP
Dimethyl ether 二甲醚
Dimethyl sulphate 硫酸二甲酯
Dimethylamine 二甲胺
Dimethylbenzene (Xylene) 二甲苯
Dimethyldichlorosilane 二甲基二氯硅烷
Dimethylformamide 二甲基甲□胺
Dimethylthiambutene 二甲□丁 DD
Dinitrobenzene 二硝基苯
Dinitrotoluene 二硝基甲苯
Dinoprost 地诺前列素 (前列腺素F2a) PP-S1,S3
Dinoprostone 地诺前列酮 (前列腺素E2) PP-S1,S3
Dioxane 二恶烷;二氧六环
Dioxaphetyl butyrate; its salts 吗苯丁酯;其盐类 PP-S1
Dioxaphetylbutyrate 吗苯丁酯 DD
Dioxin 二恶□
Diperodon; its salts 地□冬;其盐类 PP-S1,S2
Diphenhydramine 苯海拉明 PP
Diphenhydramine hydrochloride 盐酸苯海拉明 PP
Diphenoxylate; its salts 地芬诺酯;其盐类 PP
Diphenylmethane diisocyanate (Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate) 二苯甲烷二异氰酸酯(二苯甲撑二异氰酸酯)
Dipipanone 地匹□酮 DD
Dipipanone; its salts 地匹□酮;其盐类 PP-S1
Diprenorphine; its salts 二丙诺啡;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Dipyridamole 双嘧达莫 PP-S1,S3
discrepancy 偏差
disguised writing 伪装笔迹
disintegration 崩解
disintegration tester 崩解试验仪
Disopyramide; its salts 丙呲胺;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
dispenser 分配器
dispersion 分散
dispersion (optics) 色散(光学)
disputed document 受争议的文件
dissolution 溶解
dissolution tester 溶出试验仪
dissolved oxygen 溶氧
Distigmine; its salts 地斯的明;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
distillation 蒸馏
Disulfiram 双硫仑 PP-S1,S2,S3
Dithienylallylamines; dithienylalkyallylamines; their salts 联硫茂烯丙胺类;联硫茂烃基烯丙胺类;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
dithiothreitol [DTT] 二硫代苏糖醇
DNA amplification DNA 扩增
DNA Database Section DNA数据组
DNA electrophoresis DNA 电泳
DNA extraction DNA 提取
DNA fingerprinting DNA 指纹
DNA fragment (length) DNA 片断(长度)
DNA hybridization DNA 杂交
DNA marker DNA 标准
DNA profiling DNA 纹印测试
DNA transfer DNA 转移
Dobutamine; its salts 多巴酚丁胺 PP-S1,S3
Docetaxol; its salts 多西紫杉醇;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
document examiner 文件鉴辨人员
dominant gene 显性基因
Donepezil; its salts 多奈□齐;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Dopamine hydrochloride 盐酸多巴胺
Dopamine; its salts 多巴胺;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Dornase alfa 阿法链道□ PP-S1,S3
Dorzolamide; its salts 多佐胺;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
dose equivalent 剂量当量
dose-rate 剂量率
dosimeter 剂量计
Dothiepin; its salts 度硫平;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
double-stranded DNA 双链DNA
Doxapram; its salts 多沙普仑;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Doxazosin; its salts 多沙唑□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Doxepin; its salts; its derivatives; their salts 多塞平;其盐类;其衍生物;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Doxycyclin 脱氧土霉素 AT
Doxylamine 多西拉敏 PP-S1,S3
Dracohodin perchlorate 血竭素高氯酸盐
drag factor 牵引系数
Dried Milk Regulations 奶粉规例
drop strength 落震强度
Droperidol 氟□利多(达□啶醇) PP-S1,S3
Drotebanol 羟蒂巴酚 DD
Drugs, Toxicology and Documents Group 药物、毒理及文件科
duplicate sample 平行双样
dusting 轻撒
Dutiable Commodities Ordinance 应课税商品条例
dye composition 染料成份
Dyflos 异氟磷 PP-S1
dynamic strength 动强度
dyspnoea 呼吸困难
Dysprosium [Dy] 镝
E. coli (Escherichia coli) 大肠杆菌; 大肠埃希氏菌
Ebastine 依巴斯汀 PP
EC Directives 欧共体法则
Ecgonine and any Derivative of ecgonine which is convertible to ecgonine or to cocaine 芽子□及任何可转变成芽子□或可卡因之芽子□衍生物
Ecgonine, and any derivative of ecgonine which is convertible to ecgonine or to cocaine 芽子硷及任何可转变成芽子硷或可卡因之芽子硷衍生物 DD
Ecgonine; its esters and ethers 芽子硷;其酯类及醚类 PP-S1
Econazole; its salts 益康唑;其盐类 PP
Ecothiopate iodide 依可碘酯 PP-S1,S3
Ectylurea 依克替□ PP-S1,S3
effective dose 有效剂量
efficiency calibration 效率校准
effluent 流出物
Einsteinium [Es] □
Elaterin 喷瓜苦素 PP
electroblotting 电吸印
electrode 电极
Electrode Spray 电喷雾法
electrolytic enrichment 电解富集
electromagnetic 电磁
electron capture 电子俘获
Electron Microprobe Analysis 电子探针微量分析
Electron Microscope 电子显微镜
electron volt (eV) 电子伏特
electronic balance 电子天秤
Electronic Ionization [EI] 电子撞击电离
Electronic Pressure Control [EPC] 电子调压
electronic typewriter 电动打字机
electrophoresis 电泳
electroplating 电镀
electrostatic detection apparatus 静电侦察仪
Elemental Analyzer 元素分析仪
elemental composition 构成的化学元素
eluate 洗脱液
elution 洗脱
Embutramide 乙甲丁□胺 PP-S1,S3
emergency reference level 应急参考水平(放射)
Emetine 依米丁 PP-S1,S2,S3
emission spectrum 发射光谱
emitter 放射体
Emodin 大黄素
emulsifier 乳化剂
Emylcamate 依米氨脂 PP-S1,S3
Enalapril; its salts 依那普利;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Enalaprilat; its salts 依那普利拉;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
endothermic reaction 吸热反应
energy calibration 能量校准
Enoxacin; its salts; its esters 依诺沙星;其盐类;其酯类 PP-S1,S3
Enoxaparin; its salts 依诺肝素;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Enoximone 依诺昔酮 PP-S1,S3
Enramycin 恩拉霉素 AT
Entacapone; its salts 恩他卡明;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
enteric-coated 包有肠溶衣的
Environmental Chemistry and Commodities Testing Services Group 环境化学及商品测试服务科
Environmental Radiation Monitoring Programme [ERMP] 环境辐射监测计划
Environmental Technology Centre of Canada 加拿大环境技术中心
enzyme □
Enzyme linked immuno-sorbent assay [ELISA] □联免疫吸附分析法
Ephedra, alkaloids of 麻黄生物硷 PP-S1,S2,S3
Ephedrine hydrochloride 盐酸麻黄□ PP-S1, S3
Epichlorohydrin 表氯醇
Epoetin beta 依泊丁 PP-S1,S3
Epoxy resin (reaction product of Bisphenol A and Epichlorohydrin) 环氧树脂 (双酚A及表氯醇之反应产物)
equivalent dose 当量剂量
Erbium [Er] 铒
Ergometrine maleate 马来酸麦角新□ PP-S1
Ergot, alkaloids of 麦角生物硷 PP-S1,S3
ergotamine 麦角胺 PP-S1
Erucic acid 芥酸
Erythrityl tetranitrate 丁四硝酯 PP
erythrocyte 红血球
Erythrocyte Acid Phosphatase [EAP] 红细胞酸性磷酸□
Erythromycin 红霉素 AT
Erythromycin ethylsuccinate 琥乙红霉素 AT
Esmolol; its salts 艾司洛尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Estazolam 舒乐安定 DD
ester of parahydroxybenzoate 对羟苯甲酸脂
Esterase D [EsD] 酯□D
Estradiol benzoate 苯甲酸雌二醇
Etafedrine; its salts 乙麻黄硷(乙基麻黄素);其盐类 PP
Etafenone; its salts 依他苯酮;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Etamsylate 酚磺乙胺
Ethacrynic acid; its salts 依他尼酸(利尿酸);其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Ethambutol hydrochloride 盐酸乙胺丁醇 PP-S1, S3
Ethambutol; its salts 乙胺丁醇;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Ethane-1,2-diol (Ethylene glycol) 1,2-乙烷二醇(乙二醇)
Ethanethiol (Ethyl mercaptan) 氢硫乙烷(乙硫醇)
Ethanol (Ethyl alcohol) 乙醇(乙基醇)