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作者:admin发布时间:2016-08-07 14:58浏览:

Iohexol 碘海醇 PP-S1,S3
Iomeprol 碘美普尔 PP-S1,S3
ion 离子
Ion Chromatograph 离子色谱仪
ion cluster 离子簇
ion evaporation 离子蒸发
ion exchange column chromatography 离子交换柱层分析法;离子交换柱色谱法
ion exchange resin 离子交换树脂
ion pairing 离子对
ion spray 离子喷雾法
ionization chamber 电离室
ionizing 电离
Iopamidol 碘帕醇 PP-S1,S3
Iopanoic acid 碘番酸 PP-S1,S3
Iophendylate 碘芬酯 PP-S1,S3
Iopodic acid 碘泊酸 PP-S1,S3
Iopromide 碘普罗胺 PP-S1,S3
Iothalamic acid 碘他拉酸 PP-S1, S3
Iothalamic acid 碘拉酸 PP-S1,S3
Iotrolan 碘曲仑 PP-S1,S3
Iotroxic acid 碘曲西酸 PP-S1,S3
Ioversol 碘佛醇 PP-S1,S3
Ioxaglic acid 碘克沙酸 PP-S1,S3
Ioxitalamic acid 碘羟拉酸 PP-S1,S3
Iprindole; its salts 伊普□□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Irbesartan; its salts 依贝莎坦;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Iridium [Ir] 铱
Irinotecan; its salts 伊立替康;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Iron [Fe] 铁
Iron oxide 氧化铁
iron tannate or iron-base ink 丹宁酸铁
irradiation 辐照
Isoaminile; its salts 异米尼尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Isocarbophos 水胺硫磷
Isoconazole; its salts 异康唑;其盐类 PP
isocratic elution 等度冲洗;等度洗脱
Isocyanates 异氰酸酯
isoelectric focusing [IEF] 等电聚焦
Isoetharine; its salts 异他林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
isokinetic sampling 等速采样法
isomer 异构体;异物体
Isomethadone 异美沙酮 DD
Isomethadone; its salts 异美沙酮;其盐类 PP-S1
Isoniazid; its salts; its derivatives; their salts; any compound with any substance falling within this item 异烟□;其盐类;其衍生物;它们的盐类;含有任何属此项范围内的物质的化合物 PP-S1,S3
iso-Octane 异辛烷
Isophorone 异佛尔酮
Isoprenaline; its salts 异丙肾上腺素;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Isoprene 异戊二烯
Isopropyl acetate 醋酸异丙酯
Isopropyl alcohol 异丙醇
Isopropyl benzene (Cumene) 异丙苯(枯烯)
Isopropyl formate 甲酸异丙酯
Isopsoralen 异补骨酯素
Isopyrin, its salts 异比林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
isosafrole 异黄樟素
Isosorbide; its nitrates 异山梨醇;其硝酸盐类 PP
Isothipendyl 异西喷地 PP
isotone 同中子素
isotope 同位素
isotope dilution technique 同位素稀释法
Isotretinoin 异维A酸 PP-S1,S3
Isoxicam; its salts 伊素昔康;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Isozyme 同功□
Isradipine 伊拉地平 PP-S1,S3
Itraconazole; its salts 伊曲康唑;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Ivermectin 伊维菌素 AT
Jasminoidin 栀子□
Jatrorrhizine hydrochloride 盐酸?根□
Josamycin 交沙霉素 AT
Jujuboside A 酸枣仁皂□A
Kanamycin 卡那霉素 AT
Kaolin 高岭土
Karl Fisher titrator 费歇尔滴定仪
Kastle-Meyer test KM试验
Ketamine; its salts 氯胺酮;其盐类 DD
Ketanserine; its salts 酮色林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Ketazolam 凯他唑仑 DD
Ketobemidone 凯托米酮 DD
Ketobemidone; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 凯托米酮;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Ketoconazole 酮康唑 PP-S1,S3
Ketophenylbutazone 丁酮唑酮 PP-S1,S3
Ketoprofen; its salts 酮洛芬(苯酮苯丙酸);其盐类 PP-S3
Ketorolac; its salts; its esters 酮咯酸;其盐类;其酯类 PP-S1,S3
Ketotifen 酮替芬 PP
kilo-base pair 千□基对
Kjeldhal digestion 刻尔达尔蒸煮法;凯氏烧瓶消化法
Klenow fragment 克莱诺碎片
Krypton [Kr] 氪
Labetalol; its salts 拉贝洛尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Laboratory Accreditation Scheme 实验室认可计划
Laboratory Attendant 实验室服务员
Laboratory Specialist Services Officer 化验所专科服务主任
Laboratory Technical Assistant 化验所技术助理
Laboratory's Code of Safety Practice 实验室操作安全手则
Lacidipine; its salts 拉西地平;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
lacrimator 催泪剂;催泪性物质
Lamivudine; its salts 拉米夫定;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Lamotrigine; its salts 拉莫三□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Lanreotide; its salts 兰瑞□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Lansoprazole 兰索拉唑 PP-S1,S3
Lanthanum [La] 镧
laser abrasion 激光熔样
Latanoprost 拉坦前列素 PP-S1,S3
Laudexium; its salts 劳地铵(劳德力辛);其盐类 PP
Lawrentium [Lw] 铹
layered structure 层状组织;层状结构
LC detector - Chiral Detector 手性检测器
LC detector - Conductivity Detector 电导率检测器
LC detector - Differential Refractometer 示差折光器
LC detector - Electro-chemical Detector 电化学检测器
LC detector - Fluorescence Detector 萤光检测器
LC detector - Photodiode Array Detector 光电二极管阵列检测器
LC detector - UV-visible Detector 紫外-可见光检测器
LD50 半数致死量
leachable 可浸出
Lead [Pb] 铅
Lead acetate; compounds of lead with acids from fixed oils 醋酸铅类;含有从非挥发油类中取得的酸类之铅化合物 PP-S1,S2
Lead arsenate 砷酸铅
Lead chromate 铬酸铅
lethal dose 致死剂量
Letrozole 来曲唑 PP-S1,S3
Leuprorelin; its salts 亮丙瑞林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Levallorphan; its salts 左洛啡烷;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Levamisole hydrochloride 盐酸左旋咪唑
Levomethorphan 左旋美沙芬 DD
Levomoramide 左旋吗拉胺 DD
Levophenacylmorphan 左旋吩纳西吗汛 DD
Levorphanol 左旋吗汛 DD
Lidoflazine 利多氟□ PP-S1,S3
Lignocaine; its salts 利多卡因;其盐类 PP-S2
Limestone (Calcium carbonate) 石炭岩(碳酸钙)
Lincomycin 林可霉素 AT
linear alkyl sulfonates 线性烷基磺酸盐
linear DNA 线状DNA
linearity range 线性范围
liquid partition 液相萃取
liquid scintillation counter 液体闪烁计数器
Liquified petrolum gas [LPG] 石油气
Lisinopril; its salts 赖诺普利;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Lithium [Li] 锂
Lithium carbonate 碳酸锂 PP-S1,S3
lithium drifted germanium detector 锂漂移型锗检测器
Lithium Sulphate 硫酸锂 PP-S1,S3
Lobelia, alkaloids of 山梗菜生物硷 PP-S2
Lodoxamide Tromethamine 洛草氨酸氨丁三醇 PP
Lomefloxacin; its salts; its esters 罗美沙星;其盐类;其酯类 PP-S1,S3
Lomustine 洛莫司汀(环己亚硝) PP-S1,S3
Lonazolac; its salts 氯那唑酸;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Loprazolam 氯普唑仑 DD
Loracarbef; its salts 氯碳头孢;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Loratadine 氯雷他定 PP
Lorazepam 劳拉西泮 DD
Lorcainide; its salts 劳卡尼;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Lormetazepam 氯甲西泮 DD
Losartan; its salts 氯沙坦;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Lovastatin 洛伐他汀 PP-S1,S3
low level alpha-beta counter 低水平阿尔法-贝他计数器
Loxapine; its salts 洛沙平;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
luminograph 发光显影图
Lutecium (Lutetium) [Lu] □
Lycopodium 石松子
Lysergamide 麦角□胺 DD
Lysergamide; its salts, simple or complex; its quaternary compounds 麦角□胺;其简单或复杂之盐类;其四级化合物类 PP
Lysergic acid; its salts, simple or complex; its quaternary compounds 麦角酸;其简单或复杂之盐类;其四级化合物类 PP
Lysergide and other N-alkyl derivatives of lysergamide 麦角□二乙胺及其他麦角□胺之N烷基衍生物 DD
Lysergide; its salts, simple or complex; its quaternary compounds 麦角□二乙胺;其简单或复杂盐类;其四级化合物 PP
lysis 溶解
Lysostaphin 溶葡萄菌素 AT
Lysuride; its salts 麦角乙□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Magnesium [Mg] 镁
Magnesium oxide 氧化镁
magnetic stripe analyzer 磁带分析仪
Magnolol 厚朴酚
make-up gas 尾吹气
Malathion 马拉硫磷
Maleic acid 顺丁烯二酸(马来酸)
Maleic ahhydride 顺丁烯二酸酐(马来酸酐)
Manganese [Mn] 锰
Manganese dioxide 二氧化锰
Mangofodipir; its salts Mangofodipir;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Mannityl hexanitrate 甘露六硝酯(甘露醇硝酸酯;硝甘露醇) PP
Mannomustine; its salts 甘露莫司汀;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
manometer 气压计
mantle 加热套膜
Maprotiline; its salts 马普替林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Marble (Calcium carbonate) 大理石(碳酸钙)
Marinelli beaker 玛勒杯
Marking Order 标记令
Matrine 苦参□
matrix effect 基体效应
Maximum Allowable Concentration [MAC] 最高容许浓度
maximum permissible concentration 最高许可浓度
Maximum Residue Levels (MRL) 最高可容忍量
Mazindol 马□□ PP-S1,S3
m-Dihydroxybenzidine 间苯二酚
measurement traceability 测量的溯源性
measurement uncertainty 测量不确定度
Mebezonium iodide 碘环三甲铵 PP
Mebhydrolin 美海屈林 PP-S1,S3
Mebutamate 美布氨酯 PP-S1,S3
Mecamylamine; its salts 美加明;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Meclobemide; its salts 吗氯贝胺; 其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Meclofenamic acid; its salts 甲氯芬那酸;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Meclofenoxate; its salts 甲氯芬酯;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Mecloqualone 甲氯□酮 DD
Meclozine 美克洛□ PP
Medazepam 美达西泮 DD
Medigoxin 甲地高辛 PP-S1,S3
medium 介质(药物)
Medroxyprogesterone acetate 安宫黄体酮 PP-S1, S3
Mefenamic acid; its salts; its esters; their salts 甲芬那酸;其盐类;其酯类;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Mefloquine; its salts 甲氟□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Mefruside 美夫西特 PP-S1,S3
Meglucamine iodipamide 胆影葡胺 PP-S1, S3
Meleumycin 麦白霉素 AT
Meloxicam; its salts 美洛昔康;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Melting point tester 熔点测试仪
Menadione 甲□□
Mendelevium [Md] 钔
Mendel's law 孟德尔定律
Menthol 薄荷脑
Mephenesin; its esters; their salts 美芬新;其酯类;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Mephenoxalone 美芬恶酮 PP-S1,S3
Mepirizole 甲嘧啶唑 PP-S1,S3
Meprobamate 甲丙氨酯 PP-S1,S3
Mercaptopurine; its salts; its derivatives; their salts 巯嘌呤;其盐类;其衍生物;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Mercurous chloride 氯化亚汞
Mercury 汞;水银
Mercury Analyzer 测汞仪
Mercury inorganic compounds 水银无机化合物
Mercury, nitrates of; organic compounds of; oxides of; mercuric ammonium chloride; mercuric chloride; mercuric iodide;mercuric oxycyanide; mercuric thiocyanate; potassiomercuric iodides 汞,的硝酸盐;汞的有机化合物;汞的氧化物;氯化氨基汞;氯化汞;碘化汞;氧氰化汞;硫氰酸汞;碘化汞钾 PP-S1,S2
Meropenem; its salts 美罗培南;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Mesaconitine 新乌头□ PP
Mescaline; its salts; other derivatives of phenethylamine formed by substitution in the aromatic ring; their salts 三甲氧苯乙胺;其盐类;苯乙胺的芳香环中取代而形成的其他衍生物;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S2,S3
Mesocarb 双苯斯酮胺 DD
Mesocarb; its salts 双苯斯酮胺;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Mesothelimon 间皮
Metaraminol; its salts 间羟胺;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
metastable 介安定
Metaxalone 美他沙酮 PP-S1,S3
Metazocine 美他佐辛 DD
Metazocine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 美他佐辛;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Metergoline 甲麦角林 PP-S1,S3
Metformin; its salts 甲福明;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Methacrylic acid 甲基丙烯酸
Methacycline 甲烯土霉素 AT
Methadone 美沙酮 DD
Methadone; its salts 美沙酮;其盐类 PP-S1
Methadyl acetate 乙酸美沙多 DD
Methadyl acetate; its salts 醋美沙朵;其盐类 PP-S1
methaemoglobin 正铁血红蛋白
Methamidophos 甲胺磷
Methamphetamine (methylamphetamine) 甲基苯丙胺 (甲基安非他明) DD
Methane 甲烷
Methanethiol (Methyl mercaptan) 甲硫醇
Methanol (Methyl alcohol) 甲醇(甲基醇)
Methaqualone 甲□酮 DD
Methaqualone; its salts 甲□酮;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Methcathinone 甲卡西酮 DD
Methdilazine 甲地□ PP
Methixene; its salts 美□吨;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Methocarbamol 美索巴莫 PP-S1,S3
Methorphan; its salts 甲吗喃;其盐类 PP-S1
Methotrexate 甲氨蝶呤 PP-S1, S3
Methoxsalen 甲氧沙林 PP-S1,S3
Methoxyphenamine; its salts 甲氧那明;其盐类 PP-S3
Methyl acetate 醋酸甲酯
Methyl acrylate 丙烯酸甲酯
Methyl alcohol 甲基醇
Methyl bromide 甲基溴
Methyl chloride 甲基氯
Methyl chloroform 甲基氯仿
Methyl ethyl ketone [MEK] 丁酮
Methyl ethyl ketone peroxide [MEKP] 过氧化甲基乙基甲酮
Methyl glycol acetate (2-Methoxyethyl acetate) 甲基乙二醇醋酸酯 (醋酸-2-甲氧基乙酯)
Methyl isobutyl ketone 甲基异丁基甲酮
Methyl mercaptan 甲硫醇
Methyl methacrylate 甲基丙烯酸甲酯
Methyl n-amyl ketone 甲基正戊基甲酮
Methyl n-butyl ketone 甲基正丁基甲酮
Methyl parathion 甲基对硫磷
Methyl salicylate 水杨酸甲酯
Methyl violet 甲基紫
Methylamine 甲胺
Methylaminoheptane; its salts 甲辛胺;其盐类 PP-S3
Methyldesorphine 甲基去氧吗啡 DD
Methyldesorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 甲地索啡;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Methyldihydromorphine (6-methyldihydromorphine) 甲基双氢吗啡
Methyldihydromorphine(6-methyldihydromorphine) 甲基二氢吗啡 DD
Methyldihydromorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 甲基双氢吗啡;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Methyldopa; its esters; their salts 甲基多巴;其酯类;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Methylene bisphenyl isocyanate [MDI] 二苯甲撑二异氰酸酯
Methylene chloride 亚甲基二氯
Methylene dichloride (Methylene chloride) 亚甲基二氯
Methylpentynol; its derivatives 甲戊炔醇;其衍生物 PP-S1,S3
Methylphenidate □醋甲酯 DD
Methylphenidate; its salts □醋甲脂;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Methyltrichlorosilane 甲基三氯硅烷
Methyprylone 甲乙□酮 PP-S1,S3
Metipranolol; its salts 美替洛尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Metoclopramide; its salts 甲氧氯普胺;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Metolazone 美托拉宗 PP-S1,S3
Metopon 美托邦 DD
Metopon; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 美托邦;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Metoprolol; its salts 美托洛尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Metrizamide 甲泛葡胺 PP
Metronidazole; its salts 甲硝唑;其盐类 PP
Mexiletine; its salts 美西律;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Mianserin; its salts 米安色林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Mibefradil; its salts 米贝地尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Miconazole nitrate 硝酸咪康唑 PP
Miconazole; its salts 咪康唑;其盐类 PP
micrometer 测微计
Micronomicin 小诺霉素 AT
microphotograph 微距摄影
microsatellite DNA 微卫星DNA
microscopic examination 显微镜检验;微观检验
microscopical chatacteristics 显微鉴别
microwave assisted acid digestion 微波助酸消化
microwave digestion system 微波消化系统
Midazolam 咪达唑仑 DD
midazolam maleate 马来酸咪达唑□ DD
Midecamycin 麦迪霉素 AT
Milbemycins 米尔倍霉素类 AT
milk solids not fat 非脂性乳固体
milli-working level 毫工作单位计
Milrinone; its salts 米力农;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Mineral oil 矿物油
Mineral wool fiber 矿棉纤维
minimum detectable activity 最低检测活度
Minoxidil 米诺地尔 PP-S1,S3
Mirtazapine; its salts 米氮平;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Misoprostol; their salts; their esters 米索前列醇; 它们的盐类;它们的酯类 PP-S1,S3
Mithramycin 普卡霉素 AT
Mitobronitol 二溴甘露醇 PP-S1,S3
mitochondria 粒线体
Mitomycin 丝裂霉素 AT
Mitopodozide; its salts 米托□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Mitotane 米托坦 PP-S1,S3
Mitoxantrone; its salts 米托葱□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Mivacurium; its salts 米万克隆;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
mobile phase 流动相
model signature 签名范本(文件)
Moexipril;its salts 莫昔普利;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Mofebutazone; its salts 莫非布宗;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
molecular size ladder 分子量标准梯(生化)
molecular weight marker 分子量标准
Molgramostim 莫拉马提 PP-S1,S3
Molindone; its salts 吗□酮 (吗□□酮);其盐类 PP-S1,S3
molybdate 钼酸盐
Molybdenum [Mo] 钼
Monensin 莫能星 AT
Monosodium glutamate 谷氨酸钠
Montelukast;its salts 孟鲁司特;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Moracizine; its salts 乙吗□□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Moramide; its salts; its optical isomers; their salts 吗拉胺;其盐类;其光学异构体;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Morpheridine; its salts 吗□利定 (吗乙苯□酯);其盐类 PP-S1
Morphine 吗啡 DD
Morphine methobromide, morphine-N-oxide and other pentavalent nitrogen morphine derivatives 吗啡甲基溴化物(甲澳吗啡),吗啡-N-氧化物及其他五价氮之吗啡衍生物 DD
Morphine; its esters and ethers 吗啡;其酯类及醚类 PP
m-Phenylenediamine 间苯二胺
mucolytic 粘液溶解剂
mucous membrane 黏膜
multichannel analyzer 分道分析器
multiplet 复线
multi-residue method 多残留量测定法
Mupirocin 莫匹罗星 AT
Muromonab-CD3 莫罗单抗-CD3 PP-S1,S3
Muscone 麝香酮
Mustine and any other N-substituted derivatives of di-(2-chloroethyl)amine; their salts 氮芥及二氯乙胺N位被取代的任何其他衍生物;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
mutation 突变
Muzolimine 莫唑胺 PP-S1,S3
Mycophenolic acid; its salts; its esters 麦考酚酸;其盐类;其酯类 PP-S1,S3
Mycotoxins 真菌毒素;毒枝菌素
myocardial infarction 心肌梗塞
Myrophine 肉豆寇苯基吗啡 DD
Myrophine; its salts 麦罗啡;其盐类 PP-S1
Myrtecaine; its salts 麦替卡因;其盐类 PP
N-(4,4-Bis(para-fluorophenyl)butyl)piperidine, 4-substituted derivatives of; their salts N-[4,4-双对氟苯丁基]□啶于4位被取代的衍生物;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
N,N-dimethylamphetamine N,N-二甲基安非他明 DD
N-[(?-Methyl-3,4-(methylenedioxy) phenethyl]hydroxylamine N-[α-甲基-3,4-亚甲二氧基]苯乙基羟基胺
N-[?-Methyl-3,4-(methylenedioxy)phenethyl]hydroxylamine N-[α-甲基-3,4-亚甲二氧基]苯乙羟基胺 DD
Nabumetone □丁美酮 PP-S1,S3
N-Acetylanthranlilic acid N-乙□邻氨苯酸
Nadolol; its salts 纳多洛尔 (□羟心安);其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Nafarelin; its salts 那法瑞林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Nalbuphine; its salts 纳布啡;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Nalorphine; its salts 烯丙吗啡;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Naloxone; its salts 纳洛酮;其盐类烯丙吗啡;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Naltrexone; its salts 纳典酮;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
n-Amyl acetate 正醋酸戊酯
Nandrolone phenylpropionate 苯丙酸诺龙 PP-S1, S3
Naphthalene □
Naproxen □普生 PP-S1, S3
Naproxen; its salts □普生;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Naratriptan; its salts 那拉曲坦;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Narringin 柚皮□
Natamycin 那他霉素 AT
National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health [NIOSH] 美置国家职业安全与 卫生研究所
natural abundance 天然丰度
natural variation 自然变化
n-Butyl acetate 醋酸正丁酯
n-Butyl alcohol 正丁醇
N-Demethylvancomycin N-去折基万古霉素
Neamine 新霉胺 AT
Nedocromil; its salts 奈多罗米;其盐类 PP
Nefazodone; its salts 奈法唑酮;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Nefopam; its salts 奈福泮 (甲苯恶唑辛);其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Neodymium [Nd] 钕
Neomycin 新霉素 AT
Neomycin sulphate 硫酸新霉素 AT
Neon [Ne] 氖
Neostigmine; its salts 新斯的明;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Neptunium [Np] □
neutral prior probability 中立先决概率
neutrino 中微子
neutron 中子
neutron activation analysis [NAA] 中子活化分析
Nevirapine;its salts 奈韦拉平;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Newton's laws of motion 牛顿定律
Nickel [Ni] 镍
Niclofolan 联硝氯酚 PP
Niclosamide 氯硝柳胺
Nicocodine 6-烟硷可待因 (菸硷可待因) DD
Nicocodine; its salts 尼可待因;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Nicomorphine (3,6-dinicotinoyl-morphine) 3,6二烟□吗啡 (菸硷吗啡) DD
Nicotine 烟硷(尼古丁) PP-S1,S2
Nifedipine 硝苯地平 (硝苯啶) PP-S1,S3
Nifenazone 尼芬那宗 PP-S1,S3
Niflumic acid; its salts 尼氟灭酸;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Nilvadipine 尼伐地平 PP-S1,S3
Nimesulide; its salts 尼美舒利;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Nimetazepam 硝甲西泮 DD
Nimodipine 尼莫地平 PP-S1,S3
Niobium [Nb] 铌
Nisoldipine 尼索地平 PP-S1,S3
nitrate precipitation method 硝酸盐沉淀法
Nitrate-N 硝酸盐-氮
Nitrazepam 硝西泮 DD
Nitrendipine 尼群地平 PP-S1,S3
Nitric acid 硝酸
Nitric oxide 一氧化氮
Nitrite-N 亚硝酸盐-氮
Nitrobenzene 硝基苯
Nitrocellulose 硝化纤维素
nitrocellulose membrane 硝酸纤维素膜
nitro-derviatives 硝基衍生物
Nitrogen [N] 氮
Nitrogen dioxide 二氧化氮
Nitromethaqualone; its salts 硝甲□酮;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Nitrosamines 亚硝基二甲胺
Nitrous oxide 氧化亚氮
N-Methyl carbamate 氨基甲酸酯
Nobelium [No] □
Nomifensine; its salts 诺米芬辛;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
nondestructive examination 无损检验
non-radioactive detection method 非放射性检测方法
non-stochastic effect 非随机性效应
Noracymethadol 去甲乙□美沙多 DD
Noracymethadol; its salts 诺美沙朵;其盐类 PP-S1
Noramidopyrine methanesulphonate; its salts 安乃近;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Norcodeine 去甲可待因 DD
Norcodeine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 去甲可待因;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Nordazepam 去甲西泮 DD
norephedrine 苯丙醇胺 PP-S1
Norethisterone 炔诺酮 PP-S1, S3
Norfloxacin; its salts; its esters 诺氟沙星;其盐类;其酯类 PP-S1,S3
Norgestrel 甲基炔诺酮 PP-S1, S3
Norlevorphanol 左旋3-羟吗啡喃 DD
normal phase 正相
Normethadone 去甲美沙酮 DD
Normethadone; its salts 去甲美沙酮;其盐类 PP-S1
Normorphine 去甲吗啡 DD
Normorphine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 去甲吗啡;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Norpipanone 二苯□己酮 DD
Norpipanone; its salts 诺匹□酮;其盐类 PP-S1
Nortriptyline; its salts 去甲替林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Notozinsenoside R1 三七皂□R1
Novobiocin 新生霉素 AT
noxious chemical substances 有害的/ 有毒的化学物质
n-Propanol (n-Propyl alcohol) 正丙醇(丙基醇)
n-Propyl alcohol 丙基醇
Nuclear Magnetic Resonance [NMR] 核磁共振
nucleus 核;原子核;细包核
nuclide 核素
Nux Vomica, alkaloids of 番木□(马钱子)生物硷 PP
nylon membrane 尼龙膜
Nysfungin 制霉素
Nystatin 制霉菌素 AT
obligatory gene [OG] 必备基因
obnoxious gas 恶臭气体
observed frequency 观测频率
occupational exposure 职业性照射量
Occupational Exposure Limits [OPL] 职业卫生标准
Occupational Safety and Health Administration [OSHA ] 美国劳工部 职业安全卫生管理局
Octane 辛烷
octane number 辛烷值
Octreotide; its salts 奥曲呔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
o-Dianisidine 邻联茴香胺
o-Dichlorobenzene 邻二氯苯
Ofloxacin; its salts; its esters 氧氟沙星;其盐类;其酯类 PP-S1,S3
oil and grease 油脂;矿物油
Oil mist, mineral 矿物油雾
Olanzapine; its salts 奥氮平;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Oleandomycin 竹桃霉素 AT
Oleanolic acid 齐墩果酸
Oleum (Sulphuric acid) 发烟硫酸(硫酸)
Oligonucleotide 寡核□酸
Oligosaccharide 低聚糖
Olsalazine; its salts 奥沙拉秦;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Omeprazole; its salts 奥美拉唑 PP
Omoconazole; its salts 奥莫康唑;其盐类 PP
on-column injector 柱头注射系统
Ondansetron; its salts 奥丹亚龙;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
o-Phenylenediamine 邻苯二胺
o-Phenylphenol 邻苯基酚
Opipramol; its salts; its derivatives; their salts 奥匹□醇;其盐类;其衍生物;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Opium 鸦片 PP-S1
opium dross 鸦片湮渣 DD
opium poppy 鸦片罂粟 DD
opium straw 罂粟秆 DD
opium water 鸦片水 DD
optical rotation 旋光度
Orange II 橙黄II
Orciprenaline; its salts 奥西那林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
organic compound 有机化合物
organic mixture 有机混合物
Organised and Serious Crimes Ordinance 有组织及严重罪行条例
organochlorine pesticides 有机氯农药
organophosphorus pesticides 有机磷农药
Orgotein 奥古蛋白 PP-S1,S3
Orlistat; its salts 奥利司他;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Orphenadrine; its salts 邻甲苯海明 (邻甲甘海拉明);其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Orthocaine; its salts 奥索卡因;其盐类 PP
Orthophosphate-P 正磷酸盐-磷
Orthophosphoric acid (Phosphoric acid) 正磷酸(磷酸)
Orthophosphorous acid 亚磷酸
Osmium [Os] 锇
Other Scientific Services Section 其它科学化验服务组
o-Tolidine 邻联甲苯胺
o-Toluidine 邻甲苯胺
Ouabain 毒毛旋花子□(G哇巴因) PP-S1
Oven 烘炉;焗炉
Oxalic acid 乙二酸
Oxalic acid; its salts other than quadroxalates 草酸(乙二酸);其除草氢酸盐物外之盐类 PP-S2
Oxanamide 奥沙那胺 PP-S1,S3
Oxazepam 奥沙西泮 DD
Oxazolam 恶唑仑 DD
Oxcarbazepine; its salts 奥卡西平;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Oxethazaine; its salts 奥昔卡因;其盐类 PP
Oxiconazole; its salts 奥昔康唑;其盐类 PP
Oxolamine; its salts 奥索拉明;其盐类 PP
Oxprenolol; its salts 氧烯洛尔;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Oxycinchoninic acid; its derivatives; their salts; their esters 羟辛可宁酸(羟金鸡宁酸);其衍生物;它们的盐类;它们的酯类 PP
Oxycodone 羟二氢可待因酮 DD
Oxycodone; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 羟考酮;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Oxyfedrine; its salts 奥昔非君;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Oxygen [O] 氧
Oxymatrine 氧化苦参□
Oxymorphine 羟二氢吗啡酮
Oxymorphone 羟二氢吗啡酮 DD
Oxymorphone; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 羟吗啡酮;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Oxypertine 奥昔□汀 PP-S1,S3
Oxyphenbutazone 羟布宗 PP-S1,S3
Oxytetracycline 土霉素 AT
Oxytocins 缩宫素类 (催产素类) PP-S1,S3
Ozone 臭氧
Ozone Depletion Substances 臭氧耗减物质
Paclitaxel 紫杉醇 PP-S1,S3
Paeoniflorin 芍?□
Paeonol 丹皮酚
pair production 电子对产生
Palladium [Pd] 钯
Palmatine hydrochloride 盐酸巴马丁
Pamidronate: its salts 帕玛二磷酸;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
p-Aminobenzoic acid 对氨基苯甲酸
Panaxadiol 人参二醇
Panaxatriol 人参三醇
Pancuronium; its salts 泮库溴铵;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Pantoprazole; its salts 泮托拉唑;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Papaverine 罂栗硷 PP
Papaverine hydrochloride 盐酸罂粟□
paper electrode strip 电极纸条
para-aminobenzenesulphonamide; its salts; derivatives of para-aminobenzene-sulphonamide having any of the hydrogen atoms of the para-amino group or of the sulphonamide group 对氨基苯磺□胺(磺胺); 其盐类; 对氨基组的氢分子或磺□胺的氢分子由另一原子团取代的对氨基苯磺□胺(磺胺)衍生物; 它们的盐类 PP-S2,S3
para-Aminobenzoic acid, esters of; their salts 对氨苯甲酸之酯类;它们的盐类 PP
para-Aminosalicylic acid; its salts; its derivatives; their salts; any compound with any substance falling within this item对氨水杨酸;其盐类;其衍生物;它们的盐类;含有任何属此项范围内的物质的化合物 PP-S1,S3
Paracetamol 对乙□氨基酚
Paraffin wax fume 石蜡烟雾
Paraldehyde 副醛(三聚乙醛) PP-S1,S3
Paramethadione 甲乙双酮 PP-S1,S3
Paraquat 百草枯
Paraquat dichloride 百草枯二氯化物
para-Tolylmethylcarbinol nicotinic acid ester 对甲基苯甲醇菸酸酯 PP-S1,S3
parent nuclide 母核素
Parentage Testing Section 亲子鉴证组
parenteral 肠胃外的;非口服的
Pargyline; its salts 帕吉林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
parity 宇称;对等
Parkinsonism 帕金森氏综合病
Paromomycin 巴龙霉素 AT
Paroxetine; its salts 帕罗西汀;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Particle Beam Interface [PBI] 粒子束介面
particle counter for injection 注射液微粒分析仪
particle size analyser 粒子大小分析仪
parting tray 分金篮
passivated ion-implanted planar silicon detector 离子注入型半导体硅检测器
paternity index 父权指数
paternity testing 亲子鉴定
p-Dichlorobenzene 对二氯苯
p-Dimethylaminobenzaldehyde 对二甲氨基苯甲醛
peak area 峰面积
peak height 峰高
Pefloxacin; its salts; its esters 培氟沙星;其盐类;其酯类 PP-S1,S3
Peimine 贝母素甲
Peiminine 贝母素乙
Pemoline; its salts 匹莫林;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Pempidine; its salts 潘必啶(五甲□啶);其盐类 PP-S1,S3
pen emphasis 起笔特征; 收笔特征; 转折特征
pen pressure 笔压
pen pressure variations 笔压变化
Penbutolol; its salts 喷布洛尔(环戊丁心安);其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Penciclovir; its salts 喷昔洛韦;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
penetrating power 贯穿力
penetrometer 穿透能力计
Penicillamine; its salts 青霉胺;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Penicillin 青霉素 AT
Pentabromodifluoropropane 五溴二氟丙烷
Pentabromofluoropropane 五溴氟丙烷
Pentachlorodifluoropropane 五氯二氟丙烷
Pentachlorofluoropropane 五氯氟丙烷
Pentachlorophenol 五氯酚
Pentaerythritol tetranitrate 戊四硝酯 PP
Pentaerythritoltetranitrate 四硝化戊四醇
Pentamidine; its salts 喷他□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Pentan-3-one (Diethyl ketone) 3-戊酮(二乙酮)
Pentane 戊烷
Pentanol 戊醇
Pentazocine; its salts 喷他佐辛;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Pentolinium; its salts 喷托铵;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Pentyl acetate (n-Amyl acetate) 乙酸正戊酯 (正醋酸戊酯)
Peracetic acid 过乙酸
Perchloric acid 高氯酸
Perchloroethylene 四氯乙烯 (过氯乙烯)
percutaneous 经皮的
perforated cadmium layer 有齿孔的镉表层
performance check 性能检查
Pergolide; its salts 培高利特;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Perindoprilat; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 培□普利拉;其盐类;其酯类;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
permanganate Index 高锰酸盐指数
permeation tube 渗透管
Permethrin 除虫菊脂
Permissible Exposure Level [PEL] 容许接触水平
Peroxide Value 过氧化值
personal dosimeter 个人剂量计
perspex 聚2-甲基丙烯酸甲脂
pesticide 农药
Pesticides Ordinance 除害剂条例
pesticides residue 残留农药
Pethidine 配西汀 DD
Petroleum distillates and Coal tar distillates 石油蒸馏物及 煤焦油蒸馏物
Petroleum ether 石油醚
pH gradient 酸硷梯度
pH meter 酸硷值测试计;氢离子计
pH value 酸硷值
Pharmaceutical Chemistry Section 药剂化验组
pharmacodynamics 药效学
pharmacokinetics 药物代谢动力学
Pharmacopoeia 药典
Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance 药剂及毒药条例
phase 相
Phase Contrast Microscopy 相差显微镜测试法
Phenacemide 苯乙□□ PP-S1,S3
Phenacetin 非那西丁 PP-S1,S3
Phenadoxone 吩那多松 DD
Phenadoxone; its salts 苯吗庚酮;其盐类 PP-S1
Phenaglycodol 非那二醇(氯苯丁醇) PP-S1,S3
Phenampromide 非那丙胺 DD
Phenampromide; its salts 非那丙胺;其盐类 PP-S1
Phenanthrene 菲
Phenazocine 非那佐辛 DD
Phenazocine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 非那佐辛;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Phenbutrazate 芬布酯 PP-S1,S3
Phencyclidine 苯环利定 DD
Phencyclidine; its salts 苯环利定;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Phendimetrazine 苯双甲吗□ DD
Phenethyl hydrazine 苯乙基□ PP-S1,S3
Phenetidylphenacetin 非那卡因 PP-S1,S3
Phenformin; its salts 苯乙福明(苯乙双胍);其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Phenindamine 苯□胺 PP
Phenindione 苯□二酮 PP-S1,S3
Phenmetrazine 苯甲吗□ DD
Phenol 酚;苯酚
Phenolphthaleine 酚□
Phenols (any member of the series of phenols of which the first member is phenol and of which the molecuclar compositionvaries from member to member by one atom of carbon and two atoms of hydrogen) except in substances containing less than 60%,weight in weight, of phenols; compounds of phenol with a metal, except in substances containing less than the equivalent of60%, weight in weight, of phenols 苯酚类 (首个结构单元属苯酚而结构单元之间的分子成分组合相差一个炭原子和两个氢原子的苯酚系列的任何结构单元),但在含有少于60%(重量/重量)苯酚的物质中者除外,含金属的苯酚化合物,但在含有少于相当于60%(重量/重量)苯酚的物质中者除外 PP-S2
Phenomorphan 吩诺吗汛 DD
Phenomorphan; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 非诺啡烷;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Phenoperidine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 苯□利定;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Phenothiazine; its salts; its derivatives (except dimethoxanate); their salts (except salts of dimethoxanate); any compoundwith any substance falling within this item 吩□□;其盐类;其衍生物 (二甲氧脂(咳散;咳舒)除外);它们的盐类 (二甲氧脂盐类除外);含有任何属此项范围内的物质的化合物 PP-S1,S3
phenotype 表现型
Phenoxybenzamine; its salts 酚□明;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Phenoxyethyl hydrazine; their salts; their acyl derivatives 苯氧乙基;它们的盐类;它们的□基衍生物 PP-S1,S3
Phenprenazone 非普拉宗 PP-S1,S3
Phenprobamate 苯丙氨酯 PP-S1,S3
Phentermine α-α-二甲基苯乙胺 DD
Phentolamine; its salts 酚妥拉明;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
phenylacetic acid 苯乙酸
Phenylbutazone; its salts 保泰松;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Phenylethylene (Styrene) 苯乙烯
Pholcodine 吗□乙基吗啡 DD
Pholcodine; its salts; its esters and ethers; their salts 福尔可定;其盐类;其酯类及醚类;它们的盐类 PP-S1
Phosgene 光气
Phosphatase 磷酸□
Phosphine 磷化氢
Phosphoglucomutase [PGM] 磷酸葡萄糖变位□
phosphor 萤光物
Phosphoric acid 磷酸
Phosphorus (red) 红磷
Phosphorus pentachloride 五氯化磷
Phosphorus pentoxide 五氯化二磷
Phosphorus trichloride 三氯化磷
Phosphorus-32 (32P) 磷-32同位素
photoelectric effect 光电效应
photogrammetry 摄影测量学; 摄影制图法
photoluminescence 光致发光
photomultiplier tube [PMT] 光电倍增管
photon 光子
photopeak 光峰
phthalates 邻苯二甲酸盐(酯): □酸盐(或酯)
Physcion 大黄素甲醚
Physical and Biochemical Evidence Group 物理及生物化学鉴证科
physical evidence 物理性证据
physical property 物理性质;物理性能;物性
Physical Resource Management Section 物料资源管理组
Physical Sciences Section 物理组
Picric acid 苦味酸(2,4,6-三硝基酚) PP-S2
Picrotoxin 印防己毒素 PP-S1,S3
Pilocarpus, alkaloids of 毛果芸香生物硷 PP-S1,S2,S3
Piminodine; its salts 匹米诺定;其盐类 PP-S1
Pinazepam 匹那西泮 DD
Pipecuronium; its salts □雄醋酯;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Pipemidic acid □□酸
Piperacillin □拉西林 AT
piperidine □啶
Piperine 胡椒硷
piperonal 胡椒醛
pipettor 吸量器
Pipobroman □泊溴烷 PP-S1,S3
Piritramide □□米特 DD
Piritramide; its salts □□米特;其盐类 PP-S1
Piromidic acid; its salts □咯米酸;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Piroxicam □罗昔康 PP-S1,S3
Pirprofen; its salts □洛芬;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Pitot tube 皮托采样管
Pituitary gland, the active principles of, other than corticotrophins, oxytocins and vasopressins 脑垂体的有效成份;但促皮质素,缩宫素及加压素除外 PP-S1,S3
Pizotifen; its salts 苯□啶;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
plane-polarized light 平面偏振光
plant growth regulator 植物生长调节剂
plasma 血浆;离子浆
plasticizer 增塑剂;塑化剂
Platinum [Pt] 铂
Pleuromutilin 截短侧耳素 AT
Plutonium [Pu] □
Podophyllum resin 鬼臼树脂 PP-S2
Polarimeter 偏光计
Polarimetry 旋光测定法
Polarized light microscope 偏振光显微镜
Polarized light microscopy 偏振光显微镜测试法
Polonium [Po] 钋
Polyacrylamide 聚丙烯□胺凝胶
Polychlorinated Biphenyls [PCB] 多氯联苯;聚氯联苯
Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons [PAH] 多环芳香族碳氢化合物; 多环芳香烃
Polyethylene 聚乙烯
Polymerase Chain Reaction [PCR] 多聚□连锁反应
Polymethylenebistrimethylammonium salts 聚亚甲基联三甲基铵盐类 PP-S1,S3
polymorphism 多态性
Polymyxin 多粘霉素 AT
Polymyxins 多粘菌类素 AT
polynuclear hydrocarbons 多环烃
polyphenol 聚酚类
Pomegranate, alkaloids of 石榴生物硷 PP-S2
Porfiromycin 泊非霉素 AT
positron 正电子
post column reaction 柱后反应
Post-column derivatization 柱后衍生法
Potassium [K] 钾
Potassium chlorate 氯酸钾
Potassium chromate 铬酸钾
Potassium cyanide 氰化钾
Potassium dichromate 重铬酸钾
Potassium fluoride 氟化钾
Potassium fluorosilicate 氟硅酸钾
Potassium hydroxide 氢氧化钾
Potassium nitrite 亚硝酸钾
Potassium perchlorate 高氯酸钾
Potassium permanganate 高锰酸钾
Potassium salt of Dichloroisocyanuric acid 二氯异氰尿酸钾盐
p-Phenylenediamine 对苯二胺
Pramipexole; its salts 普拉克索;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Pramoxine; its salts 普莫卡因;其盐类 PP
Praseodymium [Pr] 镨
Pravastatin; its salts; its esters 普伐他汀;其盐类;其酯类 PP-S1,S3
Prazepam 普拉西泮 DD
Praziquantel □□酮
Prazosin; its salts □唑□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
precious metal 贵金属
Precipitated silica 沉淀硅石
precipitin test 沈淀素检验
precision 精密度
Pre-column deriverization 柱前衍生法
preconcentrator 预浓缩器
Prednisone acetate 醋酸泼尼松
preparation - capsules 胶囊剂
preparation - cream 软膏剂
preparation - eye drops 滴眼剂
preparation - infusion 灌输剂
preparation - injection 注射剂
preparation - ointment 眼膏剂
preparation - pills 丸剂
preparation - suppositories 栓剂
preparation - syrup 糖浆剂
preparation - tablets 片剂
prepared opium 熟鸦片 DD
preserve 保存
Prevention of Bribery Ordinance 防止贿赂条例
preventive actions 预防措施
Primaquine; its salts 伯氨□;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
primary pollutant 一级污染物
primary standard substance 一级标准物质
primer 底火
Primidone 扑米酮 PP-S1,S3
Prindolol; its salts □□心安(心复宁);其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Pristinamycin 普那霉素 AT
probe 探头;探针
Probucol 普罗布考 PP-S1,S3
Procainamide; its salts 普鲁卡因胺;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Procaine hydrochloride 盐酸普鲁卡因 PP
Procarbazine; its salts 丙卡巴□:其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Procaterol; its salts 丙卡特罗;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Procyclidine; its salts 丙环定;其盐类 PP-S1
Product Testing & Dutiable Commodities Section 商品测试及应课税品化验组
proficiency testing 熟练测试;技术检查
Progesterone 黄体酮 PP-S1, S3
Proglumetacin; its salts 丙谷美辛;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Proguanil; its salts 氯胍;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Proheptazine 普鲁亥他净 DD
Proheptazine; its salts 普罗庚□;其盐类 PP-S1
Promethazine 异丙□ PP
Promethium [Pm] □
Promoxolane 普罗索仑(丙恶烷) PP-S1,S3
Propafenone; its salts 普罗帕酮;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Propan-1-ol (n-Propyl alcohol) 1-丙醇(丙基醇)
Propan-2-ol (iso-Propyl alcohol) 2-丙醇(异丙醇)
Propanidid 丙泮尼地 PP-S1,S3
Propionic acid 丙酸
Propiram 丙□胺 DD
Propofol 普鲁泊福 PP-S1,S3
proportional counter 比例计数器
Propoxyphene; its salts 丙氧吩;其盐类 PP-S1
Propranolol; its salts; its derivatives; their salts 普□洛尔;其盐类其衍生物;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
Proprietary Chinese Medicines [PCM] 中成药
Propylene glycol monoethyl ether 丙二醇一甲基醚
Propylhexedrine; its salts 丙己君;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Propyliodone 丙碘酮 PP-S1,S3
Proquazone 普罗□宗 PP-S1,S3
Prostaglandins, the following and their derivatives 前列腺素类如下及它们的衍生物 - PP-S1,S3
Prostate specific antigen [P30] 前列腺特异抗原
Protactinium [Pa] 镤
protein electrophoresis 蛋白电泳
protein transfer 蛋白转移
proteinase 蛋白□
Prothionamide 丙硫异烟胺 PP-S1,S3
Prothipendyl; its salts 丙硫喷地;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Protocatechuic acid 原儿茶酸
Protocatechuic aldehyde 原儿茶醛
proton 质子
Protriptyline; its salts; its derivatives; their salts 普罗替林;其盐类;其衍生物;它们的盐类 PP-S1,S3
pruritus 瘙痒的
pry marks 撬开痕印
pseudo-agglutination 假凝集作用
pseudoephedrine 假麻黄硷 PP-S1, S3
Pseudoephedrine; its salts 伪麻黄;其盐类 PP
Psoralen 补骨酯素
psychrometer 干湿球湿度计
Public Health and Municipal Service Ordinance 公众卫生及市政条例
Public Health and Municipal Services Ordinance 公众卫生及文康市政条例
Puerarin 葛根素
pulse height analyzer 脉冲高度分析器
purge and trap system 冲捕系统
Puromycin 嘌罗霉素 AT
Pyrazinamide □□□胺 PP-S1,S3
Pyrene 芘
Pyrethroid residue 残留拟除虫菊酯
Pyrethroid residues 菊脂类杀虫剂残余
Pyridine □啶
Pyridostigmine; its salts □斯的明;其盐类 PP-S1,S3
Pyrimethamine 乙胺嘧啶 PP-S1,S3
Pyrithyldione □乙二酮 PP-S1,S3
pyrolysis 裂解;热解
quadrupole 四极杆;四极
quality assurance 质量保证
Quality Assurance Protocol [QAP] 质量保证手册