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作者:admin发布时间:2017-08-21 13:52浏览:

小肠疝[气] hernia

小肠痈 small intestinal abscess

小肠胀 flatulence of the small intestine

小方科 specialty of pediatrics

小腹满 distension of lower addomen

小夹板 splintlet

小结胸 accumulation of phligm-heat in the chest

小伤寒 "common cold, common cold of wink-cold type"

小舌头 uvula

小腿疽=胫疽 leg cellulitis

小中风 faint

小周天 a small circle of the evolutive

小眦漏 fistula in the lateral canthus

小方脉 infantile pulse

小腹疽(痈) carbuncle of lower abdomen

小便短赤 scanty dark urine

小便短小 oliguria

小便黄赤 dark urine

小便辣痛 ardor urine

小便淋沥 dribbling urination

小便涩痛 difficulty and pain in micturition

小便灼热 burning sensation during urination

小肠实热 excessive heat in the small intestine

小肠虚寒 hypofunction of the small intestine with cold manifestations

小儿暴惊 sudden fright in children

小儿表热 exterior-heat syndrome in children

小儿虫吐 parasite vomiting in children

小儿喘急 dyspnea in children

小儿卒利 acute infantile diarrhea in children

17 小儿扎目 incessant winking of eyes in children

小儿发热 fever in children

小儿发痧 eruptive disease in children

小儿疳眼 eye disorder due to malnutrition in children

小儿寒吐 vomiting in children due to cold

小儿脚拳 1.infantile pedal spasm 2.spasm of toes in children

小儿惊吐 vomiting in children induced by frightening

小儿咳逆 choking cough in children

小儿客忤 convulsive seizure in duced by terror in children

小儿羸瘦 emaciation in children

小儿里热 endopathic heat syndrowme in children

小儿脉法 pulse-taking in children

小儿热吐 vomiting in children due to heat

小儿实热 heat syndrome of excess type in children

小儿食积 infantile indigestion with food retention

小儿手拳 contracture of fingers in children

小儿瘫痪 infantile paralysis

小儿痰鸣 wheezing cough in children

小儿通睛 "esotropia in children, convergent strabismus in children"

小儿吐泻 vomiting and diarrhea in children

小儿哮喘 asthma in children

小儿虚热 heat syndrome of deficiency type in children

小儿遗溺(尿) "1.incontinence of urine in children 2.bed-wetting, nocturnal enuresis in children"

小儿脉科 specialty of pediatrics

小户嫁痛 pain in vagina

小溲热赤 dark urine with burning sensation

小腿转筋 spasm of calf

小儿夜啼 nocturnal fretfulness infinfants

小儿疳积 mallnutrition and indigestion syndrome in children

18 小儿浮肿 edema in children

小儿痢疾 dysentery in children

小儿感冒 common cold in children

小儿痢证 epilepsy in children

小儿淋证 infection of urinary system in children

小儿风水 acute glomerular

小儿血虚 anemia in children

小儿自汗 "spontaneous perspiration in children, hyperhidrosis in children"

小儿咳嗽 cough in children

小儿腹痛 abdominal pain in children

小儿无耳 anotia

小便不利 "dysuria, difficulty in micturition"

小便不禁=小便失禁 "incontinence of urine, aconuresis"

小便淋沥 dripping discharge of urine

小便频数 frequency of micturition

小儿暑热(渴)证 summer fever of children

小儿痰湿吐 "vomiting in children, due to phlegmdampness"

小肠主受盛 small intestion has a function of reception

小腹中痞块 mass in the lower abdomen

小儿涕液不收 incessant running nose in children

小儿推拿疗法 infantile massage

小儿囟门不合 non-closure of fontanels in infants

小儿时行痿 poliomyelitis

小儿遗毒烂斑 congenital syphilis

飞痘 pustules from smallpox vaccination

飞法 flying method

飞疡(扬)喉 hematoma of uvulla

飞腾八法=灵龟八法 the eight magic turttle techniques

飞蚊幻视 muscae volitantes

叉喉风 acute laryngeal disorder with compressive feeling in the throat

19 马牙 1.gingival cyst of mucous gland in the newborn 2.yellowish eruptions on the gum of the newborn

马桶癣 contact dermatitis of buttock

马脾风 acute asthmatic attack in children

马蹄针 staple puncture

马刀侠瘿 sabre and beadstring scuofulae

马蜞咬伤 bite by leech

子烦 restlessness during pregnancy


子淋 stranguria during pregnancy

子满 gestational edema

子门 cervical orifice of uterus

子气 1.qi of the child organ 2.edema of legs in pregnancy


子嗽=妊娠咳嗽 intractable cough during pregnancy

子痫(冒) eclampsia gravidarum

子悬 "upward flow of fetusqi, feeling of distension in the thorax during pregnancy"

子喑 "gestational aphonia, aphonia during pregnancy"

子痈 acute or chronic orchitis and epedidymitis


子肿 edema during pregnancy

子宫石 womb stone

子宫痛 uterismus

子母痔 prolapsed internal hemorrhoids

子病及母 disorder of the child organ affecting the mother organ

子肠不收=子宫脱(垂)出 uterine prolapse

子盗母气 illness of the child organ may involve the mother organ

子户肿胀 swelling of vulva

子死腹中=死胎不下 dead foetus in the uterus

子午捣臼 zi wu dao jiu needli