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作者:admin发布时间:2017-08-21 13:53浏览:

大渴引饮 extreme thirst

大肠主传导 large intestine takes charge of transportation

大实有羸状 appearance of deficiency in extreme excess

兀兀欲吐 intense nausea

万灵药 panacea

寸 a length measurement corresponding to the middle segment of one's middle finger

寸脉 cun pulse

寸口脉 cunkou pulse

寸白虫 proglottid of tapeworm

寸白虫病 taeniasis

寸、关、尺 "cun,guan,and chi,inch,bar,and cubit"

上胞 upper eye lid

上膊 upper arm

上膈 "postcibal vomiting,vomiting immediately after in gestion"

12 上工 "Shang-gong,superior medical worker"

上火 sufering from excessive internal heat

上焦 "upper-jiao,upper warmer,upper heater"

上气 1.abnormal rising of qi 2.the upper qi

上窍 upper orifices

上脘 1.shangwan 2.episgastrium

上消 diabetes involving the upper-jiao

上搭手 cellulitis near the scapular region

上丹田 upper elixir field

上腭痈 abscess on palate

上耳背 Shangerpei

上发背 suppurative inflammation of the uppermost part of the back

上横骨 sternal notch

上马痈 left buttock carbuncle

上石疽 upper stony mass behind the ear

上水鱼 abscess of the popliteal region

上牙床 upper dental bed

上肢瘫 paralysis of upper extremities

上焦证 upper warmer syndrome

上胞下垂 "ptosis,blepharoptosis"

上病下取 treating diseases in the upper part by managing the lower

上膈下膈 upper stenosis and lower stenosis

上寒下热 cold in the upper and heat in the lower

上焦病症 syndrome of the upper-jiao

上焦如雾 the upper-jiao resembling a sprayer

上焦主纳 The upper-jiao is in charge of receiving

上骱手法 reduction of dislocation

上厥下竭 syncope due to exhaustion below

上气喘促 shortness of breath

上热下寒 heat in the upper and cold in the lower

上实下虚 excess in the upper and deficiency in the lower

上损及下 the upper effecting the lower

上吐下泻 vomiting and diarrhea

上下配穴 "coordination of the acupionts of the upper with those of the lower, superior-inferior point association"
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点击: 5    评论 0    2008-06-12 18:07    发布者: huguohua

上虚下实 deficiency in the upper and excess in the lower

上肢不遂 moter impairment of the upper extremities

上翘下钩势 dorso-extension and ventro-flexion exercise

口 "mouth,oral cavity"

口臭 "foul breath, halitosis"

口疮 "aphthae,canker sore"

口淡 tastelessness

口服 "per oral,per os"

口疳 aphthae in children


口噤 "lockjaw, trismus"

口苦 bitter taste

口软 flaccidity of mouth in infants

口水 "saliva,spittle"

口酸 sour taste

口{口呙} wry mouth

口咸 salty taste

口吃 "stutter,stammer"

口糜 erosion of mucous membrance of the oral carity

口渴 thirst

口不仁 numbness of mouth

口齿科 specialty of stomatology and dentistry

口甘甜 sweet taste

口疳风=舌头泡 blisters of the tongue

口丫疮 "ulcer on the angle of lips,perleche"

口中和 normal sense of mouth

口臭口烂 halitosis and aphthosis

口唇发紫 cyanotic lips


口干唇裂 dry mouth with cracked lips

口噤唇青 trismus with cyanotic lips

口舌糜烂 aphthous stomatitis

14 口涎外溢 "1.involuntary drooling 2.sialorrhea,ptyalism,sialism,excessive flow of saliva"

口眼{口呙}斜 "1.facia hemiparalysis deviation of the eye and mouth, wry mouth with distorted eyes"

口中无味=口淡 flat feeling in mouth

口干唇燥 dry mouth and lips

口不知谷味 loss of appetite

口齿咽喉科 "1.Department of the Mouth, Teath and Throat 2.specialty of mouth tooth-throat"

口沃沫多唾 excessive salivation with froth

千日疮 verruca vulgaris

千岁疮=流注疮 widespread scrofula

久咳 chronic cough

久痢 protracted drsentery

久疟 chronic malaria

久痔=肛漏 recto-analfistula

久泻 chronic diarrhea

久热伤阴 persistent fever injuring yin essence

久不受孕 fail to be impregnated for a long time

久泻不止 chromic diarrhea

丸剂 "pill,bolus"

广肠 sigmoidorectum

广疮=杨梅疮 syphilis

广明 anterosuperior part of the human body


丫刺毒 pustule in the web between the fiest and second metacarpals

亡血 "hemorrhage, bleading"

亡阳 "yang depletion,yang exhaustion"

亡阴 "yin depletion,yin exhaustion"

亡血家 patient with hemorrhagic diathesis

尸厥 corpse-like syncope

尸体 "corpse,cadaver"

尸咽 "ophthalmo-oro-genital syndrome,Behcet's syndrome"

卫 defensive function

卫气 defensive energy

卫分证 " weifen syndrome,febrile disease at wei phase,syndrom of wei system"

卫生局 "health bureau, sanitary bureau"

卫生学 sanitary science

卫气不固=表气不固 wei-energy fail to protect the body

卫气同病 "syndrome of both weifen and qufen,syndrome of both qi and wei systems"

卫气管血辨证 analysing and differentiating the development of an epidemic febrile disease by studying condition of the four systems

女科 "1.women's diseases,gynecology and obster\trics 2.medical department for

women,department of gyhecology and obstetrics"

女医 1.woman physician 2.physician who attends to women's diseases

女劳疸 jaundice due to sexual intemperance

女劳复 relapse of disease due to intemperance in sexual life

女子胞 uterus

***溃疡 ulcerative vulvitis

小产 "abortion, miscarriage"

小肠 the small intestine

小毒 "1.mild toxicity 2.drugs with a little toxicity,slightly poisonous drugs"

小方 "minor prescription,minor or mild prescription"

小分 small space between muscles

小腹=少腹 lower abdomen

小逆 minor mistake in treatment

小溲 urine



小眦 "lateral canthus, external canthus"

小耳 microtia

小眼 microphthalmus

小嘴 microstomia

小便 "urine, urination, micturition"

小肠病 disorder of the small intestine

16 小肠经=手太阳小肠经 small intestine channel

小肠咳 "small intestine cough, cough accompanied by flatulence"