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作者:admin发布时间:2017-08-21 13:53浏览:

三焦实热 heat in tri-jiao of excess type

三焦虚寒 cold syndromes of deficiency type

三阳合病 disease involving all three yang channels

三点挤压法 three-point pressure method

三焦主决渎 the triple warmer manages the dredging of water pathway

干便 dry stool

干疽 cellulitis at the anterolateral aspect of the shoulder

干咳 "dry cough, unproductive cough"

干呕 retching

干陷 dry type of inward penetation of pyogenic agent

干癣 1.chronic eczema 2.neurodermatitis

干皮 dried bark

干血劳 emaciation due to blood disorders

干胁痛 dry hypochondriac pain

干脚气 dry beriberi

干霍乱 dr cholera

干眼症 xerophthalmia

干拔罐 1.dry cupping 2.ordinary cupping

土 earth(in five elements)

土方 "folk recipe, local recipe"

土疳=针眼 hordeolum

土栗 infection of the heel

土风疮 popular urticaria

土生甘 sweet flavour is attributed to earth

土生金 earth generates metal

土克水 earth restricts water

土脯子 mantis cheeks

土乘水 earth subjugates water

土不制水 earth fails to control water

土生万物 earth produces myriads of things

土喜温燥 earth prefers warmth and dryness

土郁夺之 Dampness accumulated in the spleen(earth) should be removed

8 下胞 Lower eyelid

下膊 forearm

下法 "purgation, purgative therapy"

下疳 chancre

下膈 intake of food in the morning and vomiting in the evening

下工 "an inferior medical worker, an inexperienced healer"

下骨 sending down the fishbone

下极 1.anus 2.perineum 3.area between inner canthi 4.another name for Hengku

下焦 "lower-jiao, lower warmer, lower heater, lower burner"

下利 diarrgea

下迫 tenesmus

下气 "1.a therapeutic mithod to keep the adverse qi flowing downward 2.aerofluxus, breaking wind 3.qu of the lower part of the body"

下窍 lower orifices

下泉 urine

下乳=催乳 lactogenesis

下脘 1.phlorus 2.Hsiawan

下陷=中气下陷 descending disorders

下消 "diabetes of the kindney type, diabetes incolving the lower-jiao

下搭手 lower back cellulitis

下丹田 lower elixir field

下发背 "lumbar carbuncle, deep-rooted ulcer in the lumbar region"

下焦病 lower-jiao syndrome

下马痈 acute pyogenic infection of right

下石疽 indurated mass of knee

下牙床 mandible

下注疮 eczema of shank

下病上取 treating diseases of the lower part of the body by needling points on the upper part of the body

下腹胀气 flatulence in the lower abdomen

下汲肾阴 consumption of the kidney-yin by the excessive heart fire

下焦如渎 lower-jiao resembling water passages

下焦主出 The Lower-jiao is in charge of excretory system

下厥上竭 exharstion of blood with cold limbs

下厥上冒 dizzeness caused by adverse flow of qi

下利清谷 diarrhea with undigested food in the stool

下损及上 dusease in the lower part affecting the upper

下胎毒法 dispelling toxic heat and meconium gathered at the fetus for the new born

下者举之 Sinking disorders should be treated with drugs of raising property; prolapse and ptosis must be treated with the lifting method to reinforce the vital function of the spleen

下焦湿热 downward flow of damp and heat

下利赤白 dysenteric diarrhea

下横骨伤 fracture of public bone

下行通路 descending pathway

大夫 "an official's title in the feudal age, now used for a doctor in northern China"

大肠 large intestine

大毒 extremely poisonous drugs

大方 heavy prescription

大分 distinct line between large muscles

大风= 麻风

大腹 upper abdomen

大谷 large space between muscles

大汗 "profuse sweating, byperhidrosis, excessive perspiration"

大经 1.large channels 2.the needling of points on a large channel exhibiting symptoms

大厥 coma

大络 large collatereals

大脉 "large pluse, gigantic pulse"

10 大衄 profuse bleeding from the mouth and nose

大气 "atmosphere, air"

大溲(解) "defecation, bowel movements"

大泻 vigorous reduction

大医 respected doctor

大针 large needle

大眦=内眦 great canthus

大节 large joints

大产 eutocia

大便 feces; stool;defecation

大耳 mycrotia

大肉 large muscles

大嘴 macrostomia

大肠病 disease of large intestine

大肠经 "Large Intestine Channel, LI"

大肠虚 asthenia of large intestine

大肠痈 acute appendictis

大肠胀 flatulence of large intestine

大方科 speciality of internal medicine

大瘕泄 dysentery

大结胸 large accumulation of phlegm-heat in the chest

大头垫 megacaput pad

大头风=大头瘟 infection with swollen head


大腿痈 carbuncle of thigh

大泻刺 drainage needling

大指间 web of great toe

大周天 large cirde of vital energy

大眦漏=漏睛 dacryocystitis

大方脉 adult's pulse

大出血 "massive hemorrhage,hematorrhea"

大肠气 inguinal hernia

大麻风 "lepra, leprosy"

大便溏 loose stool

大补元气 invigorating primodial qi

大肠寒结 constipation due to retention of cold-pathogen in large intestine

大肠滑脱 prolapse of rectum

大肠气滞 qi stagnation of large intestine

大肠热结 large intestinal

11 大肠湿热 large intestinal damp-heat

大肠虚寒 asthenia-cold of large intestine

大肠液亏 deficiency of fluid in large intestine

大方脉科 internal medicine


大肉陷下 obvious emaciation and muscular atrophy


大眦脓漏 dacryocystitis with pyorrhea

大气疗法 aerotherapy

大风荷毒 most dangerous pathogenic factors

大肠津亏 fluid deficiency in the large intestine

大便干结 dry stool

大便不通 constipation

大便色黑 "black stool, melena"

大便如漆 tarry stools

大便失禁 incontinence of feces

大便困难 dyschesia

大便频数 frequency of bowel movement

大汗淋漓 profuse perspiration

大骨枯槁 bones become dry and brittle